Youth Sports Nov. 4, 2020
Flag football
Oct. 31
Lakeside Pediatrics: Zane Armstrong-1 reception, 1 deflag; Brock Caulfield-1 PAT, 4 receptions, 2 deflags; Evan Labreck-2 receptions, 1 deflag; Judah Looyenga-2 receptions; Garrett Sampsel-1 touchdown, 2 receptions, 1 deflag; Jase Van Valin-1 touchdown, 4 receptions, 2 deflags
Little Smiles Pediatric Dentistry: Corbin Kuehu-2 deflags; Isaiah Luster-1 touchdown, 1 reception, 2 deflags; Isaac Mendoza-2 receptions; Caide Nyquest-2 deflags; Cooper Stotz-1 deflag; Blake Walton-2 deflags; Daxton Waugh-1 reception, 1 deflag; Landon Worley-1 deflag
Ace Construction: Jackson Aune-1 touchdown, 1 deflag; Alex Chavez-1 touchdown; Koa Fenter-1 deflag, 1 sack; Carter Mitchell-1 deflag; Kashton Pintler-1 interception; Porter Van Valin-1 touchdown, 2 deflags; Ryder Van Valin-3 deflags
CDA Family Dentistry: Grant Aldrich-2 deflags; Elias Dahlin-10 & 15-yard runs, 2 deflags; Levi Drake-15-yard run, 25-yard touchdown, 3 deflags; Elias Lambro-1 reception, 3 deflags; Mitt Larson-(2) 10 yard runs, 1 deflag; Clay Larwin-5 deflags; Gavin Johnson-5-yard run
David Reed-Professional Realty Services: Jack Boland-1 reception, 3 deflags; Trenton Engle-1 PAT, 3 deflags; Fisher Hite-1 deflag; Blake Kroiss-1 deflag; Emery McKee-4 deflags; Mason McKee-5 deflags; Spencer Phelps-1 touchdown, 1 deflag; DJ Reed-2 deflags; MJ Stockton-2 deflags
Dickinson Insurance: Caleb Hemingway-1 touchdown
Timbers North FC Boys 04 Red: The Timbers defeated Endeavor Soccer Academy 03/04B 5-2 on Saturday. Noah Janzen and Tyler Gasper each scored two goals, Kohrt Weber one for the Timbers. Weber had three assists, Ethan Johnson one. Kael McGowan had six saves.
Sunset Bowling Lanes
High Game Boys: Hunter McComb - 121; Brody Shands - 44; Maison Shands - 21
High Game Girls: Chloe McCliggott - 74; Tori Graff - 15
High Game Boys: Brandon Gallegos - 132; Zac Nielsen - 94
High Game Girls: Rosy Gallegos - 126; Payton Way - 115; Ruby Goodknight - 112
High Game Boys: Caleb Kearl - 259; TJ Scott - 236; Tyler Clarke - 180
High Game Girls: Quin Graff - 163; Jody Hammond - 147; Daphnee Hammond - 130
Other 200 Games: Caleb Kearl - 230 & 203
600+ Series: Caleb Kearl - 692
River City Lanes
Oct. 31
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Holden LaMastus 280, Tate Moylan 254.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Tate Moylan 702, Michael Bushyeager 633.
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Hailey Howard 170, Ellie Powell 168.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Hailey Howard 474, Ellie Powell 453.
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Christopher Smith 159, 129.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Christopher Smith 397, Kenton Still 271.
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Rylee Kaup 107, Dixie Conrow 100.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Rylee Kaup 280, Dixie Conrow 248.
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Michael Hewitt 84, Rolan Cbodrowski 69.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Michael Hewitt 145, Roland Cbodrowski 133.
HIGH SCRATCH GAMES — Kalista Hewitt 76, Cedar Johnson 67.
HIGH SCRATCH SERIES — Kalista Hewitt 135, Cedar Johnson 129.
Submit items for youth and non-varsity high school sports by noon Tuesday for publication Wednesday. Email stories and photos (in .jpg format) to
Information: 664-8176, Ext. 2019