GROWTH: Slower is better
I was seeing things changing rapidly with Kootenai County’s explosive, uncontrolled growth but didn’t know how to protest effectively.
We need to act to slow it down; try and keep a small amount of what Kootenai County is to so many — a simpler lifestyle, not crowded big city feel.
The Rathdrum Prairie soon will be one housing tract after another.
Did you notice all the motor vehicles on streets and all the road widening, construction to accommodate all this traffic?
Locals are being priced out by people from higher pay states. The cost of housing is a glaring example.
The explosion of traffic, construction and people is increasing uncontrollably.
Seeing articles for and many more against growth and a push for more taxes on vehicles to finance more roads has got me to speak up.
There were numerous well written letters in the Coeur d’Alene Press recently such as from Mr. Mike Chase (23 Oct.), and this past weekend from Ms Linda Kulesza (25 Oct.) that should be reread and taken seriously.
All of us who see and understand, need to speak up and let the people making (or not making) decisions about our growth know that we need a solid plan for controlling the growth — and fast.
Start now and sensibly plan with slower growth, and maybe our kids and grandkids will want to stay here in 2030, and beyond — and be able to afford it.