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Zoie Eskelson NI STEM Charter salutatorian

| May 29, 2020 1:11 AM

I am a 17-year-old from Rathdrum and have attended North Idaho STEM Charter Academy for seven years. I love animals and anything involving the creative side of the brain.

Hobbies: I love to draw, read and bake. I also like to try to teach myself new things, like a dance style or language.

Favorite school subject: I have always been fond of English, especially if I get to write about something I am passionate about.

Senior quote: “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think you are.”

What has been your proudest moment in your school career? I think my proudest moment from my school career was when I got an A on a test in 253 statistics. That is a difficult class and math is not my strong suit.

What has been the biggest challenge you overcame to become top of your class? The biggest challenge I had to overcome was realizing that I am always the one holding myself back, whether it involves procrastination or negative thinking, but eventually I realized I should be saying “How can I do this?” rather than “I can’t do this.”

What is one of your favorite school memories, from K-12? One of my favorite school memories was when we went to Washington State University for the Imagine Tomorrow competition and I got to share a dorm with my best friends.

What are your plans for after high school? After high school I plan on finishing my general AA at North Idaho College. I have been looking into joining the Police Academy when I am 21, as well as doing some freelance art.

Who has been your biggest influence or your biggest cheerleader through your academic journey? I have had a lot of people on my side throughout school: friends, family, faculty. I can’t pick just one.

What will you miss most about high school? I will definitely miss having classes with my friends. They always made my day a little brighter.

What advice do you have for younger students that will help them excel in their studies? Keep your head up, decide on your priorities and take care of yourself. It’s hard to accomplish anything if you are not keeping your mind and body healthy.

What is your legacy to your school? I contributed to the growth of STEM’s choir program, as well as worked with younger students as a teacher’s aide.

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The Class of 2020 is filled with stars so bright, even a worldwide pandemic can't overshadow their accomplishments. This series highlights the top graduates of North Idaho's high schools. Top seniors, we salute you!

— Compiled by Devin Weeks