Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Legals for May, 28 2020

| May 28, 2020 12:00 AM

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ANNEXATION REQUEST NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Hayden Planning and Zoning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. at Hayden City Hall Council Chambers, 8930 N. Government Way, Idaho, to consider PZE-19-0311 - Mark's Annexation. R & K Development, LLC is requesting approval of an annexation of three parcels south of East Lancaster Road more commonly known as 1042 & 1044 E Lancaster Road. The parcel is currently within unincorporated Kootenai County. The applicant is requesting that upon annexation that the parcels are zoned Residential (R-1) to allow for future development. The subject property is located south of East Lancaster Road and approximately 1000 feet east of North Government Way. The lots (tax parcel(s) #51N04W-12-1300, #51N04W-12-0700, and #51N04W-12-2950) are approximately 53.8 acres in total size and exist as residential and agricultural. Additionally, should the annexation be approved, the lots between this project site and East Lancaster Road would be annexed in conjunction with the right-of-way. The tax parcels are #51N04W-12-2400 & #51N04-12-0800 that lie between the multi-modal path north of the properties proposed to be annexed and the existing property within the Hayden city limits north of the East Lancaster Road right-of-way. The legal description of the subject site is as follows: A portion of the North 1/2 of Section 12, Township 51 North, Range 4 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho, described as follows. Commencing at a found aluminum cap monumenting the North 1/4 Corner of said Section 12 (from which a found aluminum cap monumenting the Northeast Corner of said Section 12 bears South 89°29'41" East a distance of 2624.00 feet), thence South 1°04'07" West a distance of 1326.70 feet to a found iron pipe at the Southeast Corner of Tax No. 6629 (as described in Quit Claim Deed recorded as Instrument No 2673436000, records of Kootenai County, Idaho), said iron pipe being on the existing boundary of the City of Hayden and the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. thence along the boundary of said Tax No. 6629 and said City of Hayden Boundary the following courses: North 9°12'14" West a distance of 210.69 feet to a point; thence North 18°00'33" West a distance of 160.70 feet to a point; thence North 15°48'58" West a distance of 174.47 feet to a point; thence North 12°03'20" West a distance of 217.00 feet to a found iron rod set to monument the Northeast Corner of said Tax No. 6629; thence leaving the boundary of said Tax No. 6629 and the boundary of said City of Hayden along the boundary of Tax No. 6627 (as described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No.1643141, records of Kootenai County, Idaho) the following courses: North 12°03'20" West a distance of 46.91 feet to a found iron pipe; thence North 34°29'45" West a distance of 112.94 feet to a point; thence North 0°12'53" West a distance of 79.06 feet to a point on the southerly right of way of Lancaster Road as shown on the right of way plans for Project No. A009(785); thence leaving the boundary of said Tax No. 6627 along said southerly right of way the following courses: southeasterly 37.77 feet along the arc of a non-tangent circular curve concave to the Southwest, said curve having a radius of 471.16 feet, a central angle of 4°35'36" and a long chord which bears South 30°28'23" East a chord distance of 37.76 feet to a point; thence southeasterly a distance of 103.49 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northeast, said curve having a radius of 400.37 feet, a central angle of 14°48'39" and a long chord which bears South 32°56'55" East a chord distance of 103.21 feet to a point; thence southeasterly and northeasterly a distance of 446.56 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Northwest, said curve having a radius of 230.00 feet, a central angle of 111°14'36" and a long chord which bears North 84°01'27" East a chord distance of 379.65 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 232.75 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southeast, said curve having a radius of 426.37 feet, a central angle of 31°16'36" and a long chord which bears North 44°02'27" East a chord distance of 229.87 feet to a point; thence North 59°39'51" East a distance of 284.24 feet to a found aluminum cap; thence North 83°03'37" East a distance of 88.55 feet to a found aluminum cap; thence easterly a distance of 725.00 feet along the arc of a circular curve concave to the Southeast, said curve having a radius of 6,420.00 feet, a central angle of 6°28'13" and a long chord which bears North 86°14'05" East a chord distance of 724.61 feet to a found aluminum cap; thence North 89°08'26" East a distance of 16.73 feet to a found aluminum cap; thence leaving said southerly right of way along the westerly boundary of Tax No. 13767 (as described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No.1853180, records of Kootenai County, Idaho) South 2°47'27" West a distance of 1291.00 feet to a found iron rod; thence leaving said westerly boundary along the westerly boundary of Tax No. 15239 (as described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. 1294058, records of Kootenai County, Idaho) South 2°44'52" West a distance of 42.01 feet to a found iron rod; thence leaving said westerly boundary along the northerly boundary of Tax No. 18353 (as described in Warranty Deed recorded as Instrument No. 2683623000, records of Kootenai County, Idaho) and the boundary of the City of Hayden the following courses; South 58°18'11" West a distance of 773.05 feet to a found iron rod; thence South 40°59'00" West a distance of 321.56 feet to a found iron rod; thence South 85°23'46" West a distance of 519.03 feet to a point on the easterly boundary of the First Addition to Emerald Estates (recorded in Book E of Plats at Page 235, records of Kootenai County, Idaho); thence leaving said northerly boundary and said city boundary along said easterly boundary North 1°08'45" East a distance of 224.66 feet to the Southeast Corner of Lot 7, Block 20 of said First Addition to Emerald Estates; thence leaving said easterly boundary along the boundary of Tax No. 17403 (described in Instrument No.1973539, records of Kootenai County, Idaho) the following courses; South 88°51'15" East a distance of 15.00 feet to a point; thence North 1°08'45" East a distance of 50.00 feet to a point; thence North 88°51'15" West a distance of 15.00 feet to a point on the easterly boundary of said First Addition to Emerald Estates; thence leaving the boundary of said Tax No. 17403 along said easterly boundary North 1°08'45" East a distance of 500.92 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Comprising 53.850 acres, more or less. When the Staff Review is completed it will be available on the City's website at www.cityofhaydenid.us Written testimony may be sent to the City of Hayden, Community Development Department, 8930 N Government Way, Hayden, Idaho, 83835; emailed to planning@cityofhaydenid.us or faxed to (208) 762-2282. Written testimony and/or exhibits larger than one 8.5 by 11 inch page double spaced type-written, must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 8, 2020. Written testimony should include the signature, email address and mailing address of the submitter; should address the issue at hand; and should not be personally derogatory. If the written testimony and exhibits are part of a group presentation, the group representative should provide copies for distribution to the applicant, Planning Staff and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission. If written testimony or an exhibit fails to meet these requirements, the Chairman may declare such testimony inadmissible. As of the publication of this notice, it is anticipated that the State will be in Stage 3 or 4 of the Idaho Rebounds Governor's guidelines for opening up Idaho and that space of in-person attendees may be limited. Due to the possible in-person limitations, and social distancing requirements, participation by teleconference is strongly encouraged. All persons desiring to provide oral testimony should register with the City by: 1. E-mail to planning @ cityofhaydenid.us; or by 2. Phone to (208)772-4411. When registering to provide testimony, you will be asked if you intend to participate by calling in, using your computer, or both, or are requesting in-person attendance. Registration to participate in the meeting will be taken until 4 pm on June 15, 2020. Individual testimony is limited to 5 minutes per person. Anyone who intends to appear as a representative of a group (spokesperson) should contact the Community Development Department at least five days prior to the hearing. The call-in number and any additional information regarding the teleconference meeting will be available on the agenda, posted at City Hall and on the City's website at www.cityofhaydenid.us 48 hours before the meeting date. If you require special accommodation, please contact the Community Development Department at (208) 209-2022 at least 24-hours prior to the date of the hearing. CDA LEGAL 3616 AD#348758 MAY 28, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI In the Matter of the Estate of: MIKELL P. MOWREADER and LEE C. MOWREADER, Deceased. CASE NO. CV 28-20-3034 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned have been appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the Decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within FOUR (4) MONTHS after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 8th day of May, 2020. /S/KATHARINE L. McPHERSON Co-Personal Representative /S/JAMES A. MOWREADER Co-Personal Representative c/o CUSACK LAW FIRM, PLLC 320 E. Neider Avenue, Suite 206 Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 CDA LEGAL 3575 AD#383074 MAY 21, 28, JUNE 4, 2020

SUMMONS I.R.C.P. 4(a)(3)(c) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI CASE NO. CV28-20-2708 To: Idaho Land Sales, LLC, a dissolved Idaho Limited Liability Company; Vernon J. Mortensen, deceased, individually and as the statutory trustee and last known manager, member and registered agent of Idaho Land Sales, LLC; The Estate of Vernon J. Mortensen, Jeffery R. Crandall Personal Representative; Miguelina Medran Garcia Mortensen; The Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Vernon J. Mortensen; The Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Miguelina Medran Garcia Mortensen; The Idaho State Tax Commission and all Unknown Defendants 1- 100 that may claim some right, title or interest in either or both of the following parcels of real property: The West half (W1/2) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of Section 25, Township 50 North, Range 6 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho and The East half (E1/2) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of Section 25, Township 50 North, Range 6 West, Boise Meridian, Kootenai County, Idaho. Defendants. You have been sued by Michael L. Henkoski, Co-Trustee of the Henkoski Family Trust Dated July 23, 2004, the Plaintiff(s) in the District Court in and for Kootenai County, Idaho, Case No.CV28-20-2708 The nature of the claim against you is for quieting the title to the ownership of the real property described above. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at P.O. Box 9000, 451 Government Way, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816-9000, (208) 446-1180 and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney, Edwin B. Holmes, Holmes Law Office, P.A., 1250 W Ironwood Dr., Ste 301, Coeur d'Alene ID 83814, Telephone: (208) 664-2351. The attorney for the Plaintiff(s) has no personal knowledge of a more particular description of the real property described above, but for purposes of complying with Idaho Code § 60-113, information concerning the location of said real property may be obtained from the Plaintiff's attorney, at the address and telephone number set forth above. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiffs. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated May 6, 2020. JIM BRANNON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: /s/ Susan McCoy Deputy Clerk CDA LEGAL 3525 AD#381458 MAY 14, 21, 28, JUNE 4, 2020

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received by the State of Idaho, Department of Parks and Recreation, 2885 W. Kathleen Ave, Ste.1, Coeur d'Alene, ID, 83815 until 2pm, local time, on Wednesday June 17, 2020 for IDPR Project No. 320181, Construction of McCroskey Primitive Campground, McCroskey State Park, De Smet, ID. Proposals will be opened and publicly read at the above hour, date and location. A description of the work of this project can be summarized to include construction of a new gravel road through the site, development of nine primitive campsites, installation of water and sewer line, installation of septic, and a vault toilet in a new location at McCroskey State Park. A pre-bid conference will be held at the project site, in McCroskey State Park, De Smet, Idaho on Thursday June 4, 2020 starting at 11am. General Contractors intending to submit a bid are encouraged to attend. Contact Nadine at the information below for the location. Plans, specifications, proposal forms and other information are on file for examination at the following locations: Idaho Dept. of Parks & Recreation, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, ID 83716 (208) 514-2451 Idaho Dept. of Parks & Recreation, 2885 W. Kathleen Ave. Ste. 1, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815 (208) 769-1511 Associated General Contractors, 1649 W. Shoreline Dr., Ste. 100, Boise, ID 83702 (208) 344-2531 Spokane Regional Plan Center, 209 N. Havana St, Spokane, WA 99220 (509) 328-9600 A bid bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid amount, including any add alternates, is required. Bid Documents are available electronically free of charge. Bidders can obtain documents by contacting Nadine Curtis: Nadine.Curtis@idpr.idaho.gov A Public Works Contractors License for the State of Idaho is required to bid on this work. Estimated Cost: $350,000 Questions regarding this advertisement may be directed to Erik Ryan, IDPR Design Professional at the Boise Headquarters, (208) 995-4478. Adam Zaragoza, Development Bureau Chief Idaho Department of Parks & Recreation Dated this 26th day of May 2020 CDA LEGAL 3608 AD#384299 MAY 27, 28,2020

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Kootenai Joint School District #274 Kootenai and Benewah Counties, Idaho Monday, June 8, 2020 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a special meeting of the Board of Trustees of Kootenai Joint School District #274, Kootenai and Benewah Counties, Idaho, will be held on June 8, 2020 at 6:30 p.m., at Harrison Elementary School Multi-purpose room, at which meeting there shall be a public hearing on the maintenance and operation budget for the forthcoming school year. A copy of the proposed budget is available for public inspection at the School District Office at Harrison Elementary School between the hours of 8:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m.from the date of this notice until the date of the hearing. This budget hearing is called pursuant to Section 33-801, Idaho Code, as amended. DATED: May 28, 2020 SUMMARY STATEMENT 2020 - 2021 SCHOOL BUDGET ALL FUNDS School District - Kootenai School District #274 GENERAL M & O FUND ALL OTHER FUNDS Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget REVENUES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Beginning Balances $779,166 $1,242,669 $1,550,774 $1,583,334 $547,804 $306,078 $306,928 $287,599 Local Tax Revenue $767,246 $768,408.00 $769,360 $769,360 $224,450 $225,300 $226,050 $225,021 Other Local $18,564 $19,818 $21,072 $19,968 County Revenue State Revenue $1,483,364 $1,535,503 $1,707,169 $1,600,503 $39,625 $52,125 $65,254 $65,011 Federal Revenue $156,236 $313,847 $252,077 $249,916 Other Sources $49,203 $92,393 $95,927 $95,084 Totals $3,029,776 $3,546,580 $4,027,303 $3,953,197 $1,035,882 $1,009,561 $967,308 $942,599 Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget EXPENDITURES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Salaries $1,144,454 $1,184,460 $1,410,721 $1,760,935 $119,862 $209,978 $191,933 $248,643 Benefits $428,360 $454,928 $538,250 $643,762 $60,740 $115,491 $101,355 $86,040 Purchased Services $485,411 $482,106 $554,015 $502,155 $28,983 $100,679 $76,730 $97,562 Supplies & Materials $131,823 $130,270 $118,695 $119,137 $31,611 $41,227 $45,035 $49,224 Capital Outlay $375,000 $355,200 $414,400 $196,840 $8,587 $9,777 $9,888 Debt Retirement $223,500 $224,450 $225,300 $224,584 Insurance & Judgments $33,209 $33,435 $35,731 $37,507 Transfers (net) $34,743 $81,585 $86,427 $90,112 $14,060 $10,808 $9,500 $9,752 Contingency Reserve $131,650 $136,099 $157,892 $145,994 Unappropriated Balances $265,126 $688,497 $711,172 $456,755 $548,539 $306,928 $307,678 $216,906 Totals $3,029,776 $3,546,580 $4,027,303 $3,953,197 $1,035,882 $1,009,561 $967,308 $942,599 A copy of the School District Budget is available for public inspection at the District's Administrative or Clerks Office. CDA LEGAL 3618 AD#385047 MAY 28, 2020

LEGAL NOTICE: CALL FOR BIDS ON ASPHALT ROAD OIL The LAKES Highway District will accept sealed bids on or before June 4, 2020 by 10:00 a.m. to furnish asphalt road oil for the period beginning June 15, 2020 and ending October 31, 2020. Bids received must be made on truck and trailer delivery, price by ton. FOB anywhere within the bidding agency's jurisdiction. Sealed bids to be opened at the Lakes Highway District Office, 11341 N. Ramsey Road, Hayden Idaho. The Highway District reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Specifications may be obtained at the District Office. LAKES HIGHWAY DISTRICT BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Rodney Twete, Chairman Weston Montgomery, Vice-Chairman Diane Fountain, Commissioner CDA LEGAL 3576 AD#383314 MAY 21, 28, 2020

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KOOTENAI IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NEIL A. DAHARSH, Deceased. CASE NO. 28-20-2781 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named Decedent. All persons having claims against the decedents or their estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated below or be filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 7 day of May 2020. /s/Marlin L. Nelson Personal Representative c/o Mark A. Jackson 114 E. Wallace Ave. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 CDA LEGAL 3543 AD#381830 MAY 14, 21, 28. 2020

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OF ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY INTO NORTH KOOTENAI WATER DISTRICT Kootenai County, Idaho MOORE ANNEXATION The Board of Directors (the "Board") of the North Kootenai Water District (the "District") will hold a public hearing on the annexation of property into the District. The public hearing will be held as follows: Date: June 4, 2020 Time: 2:30 p.m. Location:13649 N. Meyer Rd., Rathdrum, ID 83858-4904 The annexation hearing is based upon a petition filed by the following party for the property identified in such petition: Scott D. and Deborah E. Moore (Parcel No. 034650010120 / AIN 177792). A copy of the petition and additional description of the area covered by the petition can be obtained from the District by sending a request to: North Kootenai Water District 13649 N. Meyer Rd. Rathdrum, ID 83858-4904 All persons interested in appearing at the time and place of the hearing may show cause in writing why any petition for annexation should not be granted. The Board shall consider, at the hearing, any objection presented in writing. The failure of any person to show cause in writing shall be deemed as an assent to include their property within the boundaries of the District. Anyone wishing to provide written comments, who is unable to attend the hearing, may provide them in advance of the hearing by sending them, first-class mail, postage prepaid, to: North Kootenai Water District 13649 N. Meyer Rd. Rathdrum, ID 83858-4904 Failure to have your written comments to the Board in advance of the public hearing means they will not be considered by the Board at the public hearing. DATED this 11th day of May 2020. NORTH KOOTENAI WATER DISTRICT Kootenai County, Idaho CDA LEGAL 3570 AD#382964 MAY 21, 28, 2020

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Plummer-Worley Joint School District No. 44 Benewah and Kootenai Counties, Idaho NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 33-801, Idaho Code, that a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Plummer-Worley Joint School District No. 44, Benewah and Kootenai Counties, will be held on June 8, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. Due to Idaho Rebounds and social distancing requirements, our June meeting will be held in person in the cafeteria at Lakeside Elementary, 1345 "E" Street, Plummer, Idaho. You may also attend the meeting through Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81853311757. Meeting ID: 818 5331 1757. Password: 011476. Dial by your location: 1-253-215-8782. At which meeting there shall be a public hearing on the maintenance and operation budget for the forthcoming 2020-2021 school year. Notice is further given pursuant to Section 33-701, Idaho Code, the board will also hear and act upon budget amendments for the 2019-2020 school year. A copy of the proposed budget as determined by the Board of Trustees is available for public inspection at the School District Office at 1255 "E" Street, Plummer, Idaho between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, from the date of this notice until the date of the hearing. Marcia Hoffman Business Manager Plummer-Worley Joint School District No. 44 Benewah and Kootenai Counties, Idaho May 21, 2020 SUMMARY STATEMENT 2020-2021 SCHOOL BUDGET ALL FUNDS PLUMMER-WORLEY JT SCHOOL DISTRICT #44 GENERAL M & O FUND ALL OTHER FUNDS Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amendments Budget Actual Actual Budget Amendments Budget REVENUES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2019-2020 2020-2021 Beginning Balances $ 302,314.68 $ 505,859.69 $ 811,277.85 $ 1,022,287.22 $ 1,093,440.79 $ 966,954.24 $ 837,738.15 $ 868,562.75 $ 984,434.39 $ 721,488.38 Local Tax Revenue $ 667,645.49 $ 626,981.15 $ 668,185.00 $ 830,892.00 $ 661,300.00 Other Local $ 93,912.48 $ 95,706.34 $ 81,000.00 $ 85,678.06 $ 62,500.00 $ 58,363.56 $ 278,023.70 $ 175,572.00 $ 186,000.00 $ 173,000.00 County Revenue State Revenue $ 2,373,216.61 $ 2,545,464.71 $ 2,731,314.00 $ 2,719,973.00 $ 2,578,353.00 $ 150,384.90 $ 179,385.89 $ 144,050.60 $ 131,629.00 $ 122,850.00 Federal Revenue $ 1,239,637.54 $ 1,584,445.95 $ 1,039,744.00 $ 1,039,744.00 $ 1,138,332.00 $ 1,006,469.79 $ 1,064,089.32 $ 968,041.59 $ 1,199,711.04 $ 1,198,646.00 Other Sources $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 164,153.00 $ 165,365.00 $ 198,995.00 $ 231,725.00 $ 196,407.00 Totals $ 4,676,726.80 $ 5,358,457.84 $ 5,331,520.85 $ 5,698,574.28 $ 5,533,925.79 $ 2,346,325.49 $ 2,524,602.06 $ 2,355,221.94 $ 2,733,499.43 $ 2,412,391.38 Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual Budget Amendments Budget Actual Actual Budget Amendments Budget EXPENDITURES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2019-2020 2020-2021 Salaries $ 2,650,752.13 $ 2,454,405.67 $ 2,759,956.00 $ 2,917,862.66 $ 2,949,824.00 $ 712,339.56 $ 653,702.02 $ 640,841.14 $ 661,074.00 $ 722,690.00 Benefits $ 1,120,685.62 $ 1,024,864.09 $ 1,230,498.00 $ 1,309,473.21 $ 1,359,889.18 $ 380,424.14 $ 342,047.93 $ 323,643.70 $ 333,110.78 $ 364,998.00 Purchased Services $ 482,110.61 $ 526,593.82 $ 742,738.00 $ 787,662.97 $ 678,777.00 $ 134,204.22 $ 217,623.63 $ 682,035.15 $ 767,046.52 $ 660,652.34 Supplies & Materials $ 173,951.51 $ 162,691.96 $ 220,731.87 $ 219,009.00 $ 180,689.50 $ 227,766.49 $ 292,483.33 $ 294,079.95 $ 496,821.64 $ 359,528.00 Capital Outlay $ 3,345.53 $ 948.21 $ 2,300.00 $ 17,859.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 118,022.69 $ 31,717.54 $ 389,622.00 $ 450,446.49 $ 304,523.04 Debt Retirement Insurance & Judgments $ 39,650.00 $ 43,219.00 $ 45,900.00 $ 45,900.00 $ 46,350.00 Transfers (net) $ 136,323.00 $ 136,461.00 $ 173,995.00 $ 206,725.00 $ 196,407.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ 25,000.00 $ - Contingency Reserve $ 9,164.66 $ 134,460.06 $ 155,401.98 $ 194,082.44 $ 115,689.11 Unappropriated Balances $ 60,743.74 $ 874,814.03 $ - $ - $ - $ 748,568.39 $ 962,027.61 $ - $ - $ - Totals $ 4,676,726.80 $ 5,358,457.84 $ 5,331,520.85 $ 5,698,574.28 $ 5,533,925.79 $ 2,346,325.49 $ 2,524,602.06 $ 2,355,221.94 $ 2,733,499.43 $ 2,412,391.38 A copy of the School District Budget is available for public inspection at the District's Administrative Office. CDA LEGAL 3603 AD#384583 MAY 28, 2020

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID POST FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS Sealed bids will be received by the Post Falls School District No. 273, Board of Trustees, at Post Falls High School at 2832 Poleline Avenue, Post Falls, ID 83854, for the Post Falls School District Parking Lot Improvements. Sealed bids must be received by June 4, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. local time and must be marked "Sealed Bid -Post Falls School District Parking Lot Improvements". Proposals received after this time will not be considered. Proposals will be opened and publicly read at Post Falls High School Commons Area at 2832 Poleline Avenue at 11:00 a.m. on June 4, 2020. Project documents are available for at www.architectswestplans.com. Bidders may download digital files at no cost; Hardcopy sets are available with a refundable deposit of $100 per set plus a non-refundable fee of $25 per set for handling to be submitted by separate checks. General Contractor may obtain two sets of documents; First Tier subcontractors may obtain one set of documents via checks payable to Architects West and mailed to Abadan Reprographics, 603 E. 2nd Ave. Spokane, WA 99202. Deposits will be returned on receipt of documents for a period of ten days after bid opening, provided they are complete and in clean, usable condition. Additional or partial sets may be purchased. Bidders are required to register as a plan holder at www.architectswestplans.com, and select "Add me as a Plan Holder". Questions regarding the plan room contact Auron (509) 747-2964 or repro@abadanspokane.com. A complete set of contract documents will also be filed with the Plan Centers listed at www.architectswestplans.com. A non-mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on May 27, 2020, 10:00 a.m. local time at Post Falls Middle School at 301 E.16th Ave., Post Falls, ID 83854. No bidder may withdraw his bid after hour set for opening thereof, unless award is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. The Post Falls School District No. 273 reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive formalities which do not affect the essential fairness of the bidding process, to make awards in the interest of the Post Falls School District No. 273, and to accept the bid deemed best overall for Post Falls School District No. 273. POST FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 273 JERRY KEANE, SUPERINTENDENT ATTEST:KERRI ZELLER CLERK CDA LEGAL 3582 AD#383453 MAY 21, 28, 2020

NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING POST FALLS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 273 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Post Falls School District No. 273 Board of Trustees, Kootenai County, Idaho, will be held on June 8, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., River City Middle School, Post Falls, Idaho, at which meeting there will be a public hearing on the maintenance and operation budget for the forthcoming school year. This budget as presently determined by the Board of Trustees is now available at the District Office as provided by law. This budget hearing is called pursuant to Idaho Code 33-801 as amended. Kerri Zeller, Clerk, Board of Trustees SUMMARY STATEMENT 2020-2021 SCHOOL BUDGET ALL FUNDS Post Falls School District No. 273 GENERAL M & O FUND ALL OTHER FUNDS Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual/Budget Actual Budget Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 REVENUES Beginning Balances 1,444,911 2,043,597 2,787,779 2,800,000 4,416,955 4,347,015 21,692,573 10,315,993 Local Tax Revenue 5,189,873 5,161,813 5,660,000 5,025,000 2,375,519 2,335,108 3,253,000 3,273,461 Other Local 177,261 419,974 211,000 141,500 903,540 1,056,441 870,685 1,144,058 County Revenue State Revenue 30,770,024 32,783,918 34,849,564 34,243,097 1,832,256 1,311,896 1,158,649 1,029,364 Federal Revenue 4,180,025 4,696,172 5,710,611 4,989,848 Other Sources 19,163,606 Transfers (In) 126,279 96,882 143,073 149,005 162,978 178,731 1,058,230 264,588 Totals $37,708,348 $40,506,184 $43,651,416 $42,358,602 $13,871,273 $33,088,969 $33,743,748 $21,017,312 Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Prior Year Prior Year Prior Year Proposed Actual Actual Actual Budget Actual Actual Actual/Budget Budget EXPENDITURES 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 Salaries 22,572,050 23,650,507 25,531,452 26,136,193 3,013,999 3,051,007 3,375,516 4,172,932 Benefits 8,448,031 8,886,552 9,265,113 9,723,888 1,049,205 1,173,259 1,161,074 1,324,203 Purchased Services 2,614,298 2,471,784 2,729,921 2,687,800 564,104 1,005,640 682,049 736,403 Supplies & Materials 1,588,108 2,159,275 1,877,834 1,648,625 1,904,200 1,763,390 1,487,534 1,950,421 Capital Outlay 165,348 252,300 264,000 261,000 201,070 1,639,869 14,452,530 2,191,284 Debt Retirement 2,665,400 2,664,975 2,124,535 2,585,900 Insurance & Judgments 113,939 119,286 124,866 136,508 1,375 1,444 Transfers (out) 162,977 178,731 1,058,230 264,588 126,280 96,881 143,073 149,005 Contingency Reserve Unappropriated Balances 2,043,597 2,787,750 2,800,000 1,500,000.00 4,347,015 21,692,573 10,315,993 7,907,164 Totals $37,708,348 $40,506,184 $43,651,416 $42,358,602 $13,871,273 $33,088,969 $33,743,748 $21,017,312 CDA LEGAL 3611 AD#384822 MAY 28,2020