Saturday, February 15, 2025

STEWART: For the people

| May 19, 2020 1:00 AM

As a long time resident of Kootenai County I want to encourage voters to vote for David Stewart for Kootenai County Commissioner--District 1.

Stewart has a long standing in this community as a successful business owner, a proven track record of great leadership as a former commissioner, and has put tax payers at the forefront of his voting record. His opponent claims to be “for the people” but in reality it is Stewart who stands for us. During his time as commissioner, he voted against increases in property taxes, for pay increases of county employees, was upfront about his concern over budgetary spending, and was an advocate of protecting property rights. His opponent stated to the Coeur d’Alene Press in March that he is against property tax increases, yet voted for a 3% increase for FY-2020. He also voted for a 3% pay increase for himself and has filed bankruptcy twice. This coupled with a 20% increase to the county budget and 80% decrease in the Unassigned Fund Balance Account over two years, is evident that his concern is not taxpayer dollars.

Stewart’s opponent gives no concrete solutions for problems he sees Kootenai County facing. The so-called solutions he cites are “daily diligence”, “making a difference”, and being “excited to...fight these negative tendencies”. Part of being an influential elected official is not simply identifying problems, but also being solution oriented enough to help correct them.

Stewart has proven to be an excellent figurehead and outstanding representative for Kootenai County.


Coeur d’Alene