Monday, February 17, 2025

KASTNING: Pro-life, anti-re-entry

| May 19, 2020 1:00 AM

I am urging your vote for Tim Kastning in the race for State Representative District 2B. Tim is “honest as the day is long,” is highly conservative, principled and is beholden to no one other than our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Tim has been a very successful businessman and is well-known here in his home district. He has run a clean campaign, unlike his opponent, who has had radio ads claiming that one of Tim’s “bureaucrat endorsors in Boise” supports the prison re-entry system, which Tim does not do! One could say that since Tim’s opponent has given money to support Governor Brad Little so that means Tim’s opponent supports all that Governor Little had done to impact our economy in such a negative manner with the virus shut down.

Tim Kastning is truly a pro-life candidate who believes that life begins at conception and that allowing abortions of babies who were created by rape or incest is absolutely wrong, unlike certain “pro-life” lobbying organizations that wouldn’t endorse Tim because of his absolute stance on saving babies. Tim is a Constitutional candidate who believes that both our Federal and State constitutions are rock-solid and not “living documents,” subject to the whims of whichever party is in power. He is as pro-Second Amendment as one can get!

I urge you to cast your vote for Tim Kastning. He’s the kind of person we need representing us in Boise!


Kootenai County