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TOP GRADS Owen Foster, Cd’A Charter valedictorian

| May 18, 2020 1:12 AM

I moved to Coeur d’Alene at the start of fifth grade. After attending LAM Christian Academy, I went to Coeur d’Alene Charter Academy, where I will graduate this year.


I play the cello in Charter’s Chamber Orchestra as well as in the Spokane Youth Symphony. I play center-back in soccer. I performed the part of Lazar Wolf in Charter's recent production of "Fiddler on the Roof."


Hanging out with friends, playing video games, soccer, and of course, my cello. I also like to compose my own music.

Favorite books/movies/music:

I'm not really a book guy, but I just recently picked up a book called "Leadership Strategies and Tactics" by Jocko Willink. It's really inspiring. I don’t have a favorite movie, but I love any movie with a great soundtrack.

Favorite school subject:

Math! I enjoy physics the most because I am applying conceptual math skills to real-world problems.

Senior quote:

“Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually do. So: Do.” — Jocko Willink

What has been your proudest moment in your school career?

This February I attended the Honors Scholarship Weekend at Whitworth University for a chance to receive a full tuition scholarship. I was honored to receive one of the university’s three full tuition scholarships. To see all of the hard work that I’ve done culminate in something of this scale was a truly awesome experience.

What has been the biggest challenge you overcame to become top of your class?

Succeeding at Charter! The amount of homework I would come home with was sometimes simply unbearable. But I got through it and learned a lot of effective strategies for attacking massive amounts of work and the importance of determination and dedication.

What is one of your favorite school memories, from K-12?

Making it to the state soccer tournament in our first year of boys soccer at Charter. Since the beginning of my experience at Charter, which used to not have any boys-only competitive sports, I hadn’t gotten to be a part of a team like this, so it was truly rewarding to have accomplished so much in such a short time.

What are your plans for after high school?

I will be attending Whitworth University. I intend to major in computer science with another major or minor in music.

Who has been your biggest influence or your biggest cheerleader through your academic journey?

My parents. They have always been there for me and helped me to succeed.

What advice do you have for younger students that will help them excel in their studies?

Keep it up! It is worth it to work your hardest and try to be the best at everything you do!

• • • The Class of 2020 is filled with stars so bright, even a worldwide pandemic can't overshadow their accomplishments. This series will highlight the top graduates of North Idaho's high schools. Top seniors, we salute you!