Tuesday, February 11, 2025

STEVE CAMERON BLOG: Still some good news out there

| May 9, 2020 8:06 AM

Still here.

Who says there isn’t any good news floating around these days?

I beg to differ.

For instance, the world’s most constipated lizard was put out of its misery.


Herpetologists from the University of Florida found the northern curly-tailed lizard near a beachside pizza shop in Cocoa Beach.

The little creature had somehow ingested enough pizza grease, sand, insects and who know what — to the point where it was suffering while unable to, uh, go potty with a massive poop that was taking up 80 percent of its body weight.

Raise you hand if you know the feeling.

Anyhow, that percentage is the record for a living animal, which tells you the poor lizard must have been in serious pain.

The only sad part of this story is that the scientists had to euthanize the lizard because the species is not native to Florida.

Still, I’m guessing the lizard would have chosen that option — as opposed to trying to get rid of all that junk by normal means.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure.

Okay, here’s more good news (with no one euthanized) ...

Bob Dylan is about the release his first album with original material since 2012.

The Nobel Prize winner has included three songs written during (and about) the current pandemic — False Prophet, Murder Most Foul, and I Contain Multitudes.

The album will drop June 19, according to the Press Association, and is titled: Rough and Rowdy Ways.

Good stuff.

Want MORE good news?

Okay, some independent movie theaters — which have just been killed financially by the COVID-19 lockdown — are going to score some money with a fabulous fundraiser.

And it’s all about cats.


Sammie the World’s Greatest Cat is perched on my shoulder at the moment, taking this in with considerable interest.

Smithsonian magazine has broken the news that the first-ever Quarantine Cat Film Fest will feature felines (and sometimes their human friends) in a series of shelter-in-place cat videos that will be compiled into a movie.

And hey, it will premiere digitally on June 19.

Cats going bonkers and Bob Dylan on the same day.

How good do you want it, anyhow?

The Quarantine Cat Film Fest was cooked up at the Row House Cinema in Pittsburgh, but proceeds from the ticketed event will be shared with dozens of participating independent theaters across the country.

Sammie TWGC no doubt agrees with Row House owner Brian Mendelsshon, who said: “The internet exists because of cats.”

Amen, brother!

Unfortunately, Sammie would never make the cut in any movie about cat shenanigans — unless there was a segment on eating.

She could go for an Academy Award in that category.

But jumping around or getting caught on top of the fridge, something like that?


In fact, she’s no longer fascinated by my typing.

Dumped me for a nap.

“Breathe In. Breathe Out. Move On.”

— Jimmy Buffett


You’re invited to join Steve’s blog. Toss in any thought or opinion, as long as it doesn’t get us sued.

The blog appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday online at cdapress.com.

It runs Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in The Press print editions.

Email: scameron@cdapress.com

Facebook: Steve Cameron