Thursday, March 06, 2025

LETTER: Ex-sheriff responds

| May 8, 2020 1:00 AM

My oh my, this sheriff race has really become a circus. As a former sheriff, I need to respond to Jeff Burns’ letter to the editor.

Promotional criteria was established by the command staff of the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office. This criteria consisted of three phases; past performance, written test and oral examination. The oral board included command staff from other local law enforcement agencies. This promotion test was available to anyone qualified.

As Sheriff, I ALWAYS promoted the person who was on the top of the list. Kim Edmondson was promoted when she out-tested and out-performed everyone else testing.

Kim joined the KCSO in 1992. Five years later, she was promoted to Sergeant. In 2004, she was promoted to Lieutenant after another seven years in service. Again, after another seven years she became a captain.


Former Sheriff

Kootenai County