COVERAGE: Double standards galore
This past weekend your paper ran an Associated Press piece about Joe Biden’s alleged 1993 sexual assault against Tara Reade. This article conveniently ignored at least three corroborating witnesses for Reade’s claims, plus AP also ignored a released video of Reade’s mother calling in to Larry King on CNN asking for advice about a daughter who had been assaulted by a prominent politician.
I seriously doubt AP discounted any accounts of “heroic” Christine Blasey Ford’s accusations against Brett Kavanugh in 2018. Accusations that had zero corroboration.
This Biden AP article hints that most prominent Democrat insiders are not worried about this subject. Of course not because the mainstream media tried to bury the story for three weeks. Then suddenly the daily bible of Progressives, The New York Times, denied it had conducted any sort of a thorough investigation on this subject.
Bottom line is “Believe All Women” unless the accusations concern prominent Democrats.
Remember, “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky, no sir, not one time.”
Just additional proof of the double standard in all things political.
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