NORRIS: Here’s a leader
In making your decision on the next sheriff, it might be a good idea to ignore what the candidates have to say and heed the advice of the men and women, both sworn and civilian, of the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department.
The Kootenai County Deputy Sheriff’s Association (KCDSA) consists of both sworn and civilian members of the department. 125 of them voted in a poll to determine who they wanted to lead them forward. Bob Norris received the overwhelming majority of those votes.
Law Enforcement Officers, like our military, are looking for leaders, not managers. The vetting process by the KCDSA was, according to their leadership, there’s that word again, the most exhaustive they have ever undertaken because their future and the future of the KCSO depends on it.
The candidate from within the KCSD uses the slogan “Local Leadership” on her campaign signs. According to the KCDSA she is not the person to lead KCSD into the future. That is how and why they are endorsing Bob Norris for sheriff. Here is a link to a CDA Press article on what the KCDSO had to say:
KCDSA’s investigation of the candidates was so thorough that in addition to the KCDSA, the CDA Firefighters Association and the Northern Lakes Firefighters Association are supporting Bob Norris for sheriff. These are our First Responders; they’re the ones who are out there working hard to keep us all safe, even more so right now. They support us — it’s time to support them.
We intend to stand with them and vote to elect Bob Norris to be the next sheriff of Kootenai County.