NEIGHBOR: Fore, yourself
To Edward Murphy in response to his letter in the Coeur d’Alene Press, April 29, that states he will never golf again in Idaho as he was not permitted to do so since he is from Spokane.
What part of “Stay Home, Stay Safe” do you not understand? Coeur d’Alene is basically a retirement community which means our seniors are especially susceptible to contacting the virus. People don’t seem to understand that wearing a mask protects other people from you as you won’t even know you have the virus for about two weeks.
And I am also guessing, since Spokane golf fees are fairly inexpensive, you have seldom, if ever, golfed in Idaho. So please, keep your attitude, your money and your virus on your side of the state line (but stay away from my friends who also live there). I could say more, but…
I’m begging you, STAY HOME, STAY SAFE!
Coeur d’Alene