Sunday, October 06, 2024

RESOURCES: A national disaster

| March 29, 2020 1:00 AM

I want to know why our community is being asked to make gowns and masks for our health care providers.

Why, why does our local hospital have to reach out to the community instead of the government for the most needed supplies? Why do we not have the National Guard ready to drop supplies to us at a moments notice?

Why is New York still pleading for supplies? Why did they have to plead in the first place? How shortsighted was this?

Why is there such a divide between what the MEDICAL EXPERTS are saying and what the president is proposing by lifting many precautions before we have a handle on this epidemic in our country? Have we not learned from other countries how devastating this will be to our health care system if we do not heed the warnings of how contagious this is?

I want action on the health care front. I want clear leadership and clear proposals for all of our governing leaders to follow. In my opinion, it is a mistake to leave us all to our own fractured proposals. We are not in a time when each state should have to compete for resources!

I would like to see more action. I wrote previously to the White House with my concerns for the lack of sufficient quantities of masks for our community hospital. What I got back was a canned letter that did not address my concerns.

STOP sending me canned letters. Send a reassurance to my community leaders that at a moment’s notice, masks, gowns and gloves will be supplied to our health care workers by the government. We have only a few cases of the coronavirus in the panhandle of Idaho. We would like to keep it that way. Let us keep ahead of the curve.


Dalton Gardens