Thursday, October 03, 2024

Idaho has 1st case

Staff Writer | March 13, 2020 5:07 PM

An Ada County woman has become the first Idaho resident to test positive for the coronavirus.

The announcement came during a press conference in which Gov. Brad Little and his staff shared details of the positive test. The woman, listed in her 50s, recently attended a conference in New York City in late February. The woman is in self-isolation at her home and reportedly in good condition.

“This individual is doing well,” said Elke Shaw-Tulloch, administrator of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s Division of Public Health. “[She] is doing well. [She] is recovering from mild symptoms that did not require hospitalization.”

The woman took a flight home from New York City to Boise Airport.

“A few of the details in context with the contact investigation,” said Brandon Atkins, program manager for the Central District Health Department, “ include a very thorough process. We have epidemiologists who work in hand with the contact for this particular illness. They’ll be doing a very thorough investigation and dealing with those closest in contact with this individual initiially, we’ll be working with facilities that may have potentially been within this individual’s purview once they returned to the state of Idaho, and we’ll go out from there.”