Thursday, October 17, 2024

No headline

| March 1, 2020 12:00 AM

People like Barb Crumpacker, Joan Baune and others need to find a new strategy. Continuing to resort to intimidation and name calling like minions, lemmings and questioning the I.Q. of anyone who didn’t vote for your candidate does nothing but make you sound bitter.

Please stop with the Russia excuses. Unless some person reached into the box, took my ballot and changed my vote, then I’m not buying Russian interference. Our candidates have enough negative ads and mudslinging that other countries don’t need to get involved. If someone is going to vote or not based on a Facebook ad or commercial, then they are uninformed voters and maybe shouldn’t vote anyway. Russia didn’t need to spend money to tell us not to vote for Hillary, her attitude, actions and decisions over her career did that for us.

Trump will win in a landslide because most people aren’t going to vote for Bernie or anyone else your party wants to roll out there who wants to take what we work hard for and give it to others who don’t. It is only February and you are already making excuses when Trump wins in November and have four more years of bitterness and tears.

