Saturday, October 05, 2024

TRUMP: Check his priorities

| June 17, 2020 1:00 AM

With three years of White House tweets and blatant GOP voter suppression, we need to remember history. We need to go back only 79 years. What was the United States fighting to destroy in World War II (and also World War I)? For those who don’t know because of lack of education or are in support of fascists (Nazis), it was to destroy an ideology of the “pure (white) race” who felt they were given permission by their god to kill and suppress people because they weren’t white or didn’t agree with their evil.

This is the ideology of Trump and his followers. What will Trump and his supporters’ explanation be to God on their judgment day? Reality check for Trump’s supporters — Trump doesn’t care about you or God, he only cares about Trump.


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