Sunday, March 16, 2025

Delavan concedes: No need for recount

Staff Writer | June 4, 2020 1:13 AM

Tuesday night’s 11th hour election results delivered heartbreaking news for Greg Delavan supporters, but the challenger for the Commissioner District 2 seat promptly conceded, adding there is no need for a recount.

“I think they’ve had plenty of time to count the votes,” Delavan said Wednesday. “I think [Kootenai County Clerk Jim Brannon] and his team did a great job with this, and I’m not going to question the results.”

Delavan, along with Elizabeth Jacobsen, challenged incumbent Chris Fillios for the Republican bid for the commissioner’s seat this spring. Fillios won with 7,694 votes, narrowly beating Delavan and his 7,621 votes. The 73-vote margin was just over three-tenths of a percentage point difference. Jacobsen brought in a healthy 6,214 votes for third place Tuesday night.

“I think one of the influencing factors was the three-way race,” Delavan said. “I know Commissioner Fillios had plenty of supporters. I had plenty of supporters. I think it was just one of those things.”

Candidates can request a recount at government expense if the margin of victory is 0.1 percent or less. Candidates can also request recounts at their own expense if the margin is larger. It’s an option Delavan said is not necessary.

“I’m gratified I got as much support as I did,” Delavan conceded, “and I did have a lot of supporters. But I see no reason to request it. I trust in the process, and I believe in it.

“Besides,” he added, “I don’t like the idea of wasting the county’s time or taxpayer dollars on it.”

