Clarification: Brooks says he did not call for executive session
In the Thursday edition of the Coeur d’Alene Press, a story entitled “Pros bear brunt of new COVID politics” reported Kootenai County Commissioner Bill Brooks added an executive session item on the agenda to discuss the process for changing representation within the Panhandle Health District board.
Brooks did place that item on the agenda, but it was changed to an executive session item without his knowledge after the fact.
The July 27 agenda correctly listed Brooks as the commissioner who proposed the item, but Brooks did not request it to be a matter for executive session.
“I never once wanted this to be an executive session item,” Brooks told The Press. “I don’t want to discuss (Panhandle Health board member) Jai Nelson or anybody else by name. I wanted to have a discussion about the process. It was changed to executive session without my knowledge or blessing.”
Brooks added that the improper labeling of the item as a matter for executive session caused undue commotion on courthouse staff, Jai Nelson, Dr. Richard McLandress and the general population.