Thursday, January 02, 2025


| July 29, 2020 1:00 AM


Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Celena Kirby etal, was awarded $4,100

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Jerald M. Green, was awarded $3,707.89

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Brandon R. Greer etal, was awarded $4,302.09

Chapman Financial Services Inc. v. Joseph R. Johnson etal, was awarded $4,081.16


Jon P. Critser, born 1983, Spokane: 180 days determinate, one day credit for time served, 175 days suspended, $800 fines and fees and two years probation for driving under the influence

Richard L. Curry, born 1975, Plummer: 180 days determinate, 94 days credit for time served, 86 days suspended, $300 fines and fees and two years probation for battery

David D. Franklin, born 1982, Post Falls: 365 days determinate, 24 days credit for time served, 311 days suspended, $300 fines and fees and two years probation for each of three concurrent counts of violating a protection order

Jocelyn Garcia Herrera, born 2000, Morris: $932.50 fines and fees and two years probation for felony possession of a controlled substance

Michael A. Garcia, born 1988, Hayden: 180 days determinate, 26 days credit for time served, 134 days suspended, $300 fines and fees and one year probation for injury to a child

Joseph R. Grace, born 1987, Coeur d’Alene: 180 days determinate, six days credit for time served, 144 days suspended and one year probation for use or being under the influence of a controlled substance

Danita K. Harrison, born 1961, Sandpoint: 180 days determinate, 11 days credit for time served, 149 days suspended, $800 fines and fees and two years probation for driving under the influence

Brandon G. Helbling, born 1992, Hayden: 180 days determinate, 170 days suspended, $800 fines and fees and two years probation for driving under the influence

Mark P. Hubley, born 1977, Coeur d’Alene: $503 fines and fees for contempt of criminal court

Hali A. Hughes, born 1982, Post Falls: 180 days determinate, 174 days suspended, $830 fines and fees and one year probation for reckless driving

Justus M. Johnson, born 1978, Coeur d’Alene: Three years determinate, three years indeterminate, 73 days credit for time served and $290.50 fines and fees for a second or subsequent offense of felony driving under the influence within 10 years

Cody J. Larson, born 1998, Post Falls: $300 fines and fees for use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use

Stephenie A. Lewis, born 1983, Coeur d’Alene: 365 days determinate, nine days credit for time served, 326 days suspended, $300 fines and fees and two years probation for use or possession of drug paraphernalia with intent to use