Thursday, March 06, 2025

PROTEST: Article lacked balance

| July 22, 2020 1:00 AM

It is the responsibility of the press to present fair and balanced viewpoints to expose the truth and spark debate. In so doing, it is essential that the press be factually accurate. The Coeur d’Alene Press has failed in its responsibility to the people, with the publication of “No masks, no way” on Saturday July 18.

Why was this article published without any interviews from doctors at Kootenai Health, epidemiologists from Panhandle Health District, or scientific evidence from the CDC included? The viewpoints of the protesters at PHD deserve to be heard, but quoting unsupported and factually inaccurate claims from 12 protesters without bothering to interview a single doctor, epidemiologist, researcher, or medical expert is irresponsible. Doing so amplifies the voice of ignorant protesters and sows misinformation in our community.

How hard would it have been to call Kootenai Health and ask for a comment on the effectiveness of masks? How hard would it have been to fact check Nina Bessley and Debbie Denney’s claim that wearing masks is “dangerous to health” and “very unhealthy for people”? How hard would it have been to direct readers to one of the overwhelming number of sources supporting the effectiveness of mask-wearing?

The voice of ignorant protesters deserves to be heard. However, it is the responsibility of the press to present information in a balanced and factually accurate manner. The Coeur d’Alene Press has failed to fulfill their responsibility.


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