Thursday, October 10, 2024

Something comforting

Staff Writer | July 19, 2020 1:20 AM

Glass art keeps memories of those past alive

After losing a friend we tend to hold onto little things that remind us of them.

Cameron Davenport, 36, of Davenport Memorial Glass goes one step further and creates beautiful works of glass with their ashes.

From colorful marble paw prints to necklaces, to a bouquet of glass flowers, Davenport helps grieving friends and families mourn their loved ones by crafting a keepsake that will last a lifetime.

After designing a marble infinity glass piece for his fiancee’s grandfather and beloved pup in 2015, Davenport stepped out of his box and started making memorial pieces. First learning to blow glass in 2005, Davenport grew his trade through countless hours of trial and error.

“I got into the memorial pieces around 2015 started dabbling in it and it kind of took off for me a little over a year ago,” Davenport said. “I had a couple of people coming to me asking me to make pieces for them and just seeing the expression on their faces and how it touched them pushed me into making it a business.”

The process of melding ashes into his works of glass is still a trade secret, but Davenport says it is a lot like mixing flour into bread dough. While he is known for his memorial pieces, Davenport is always open for doing a custom design piece, even recently designing a lightsaber.

“I’ve always been fascinated with fire, so to be able to actually create something with it instead of destroying with it is pretty cool,” Davenport said.

After moving to Coeur d’Alene with his family in 1999, Davenport considers himself a local and couldn’t imagine ever leaving Kootenai County. He’s currently working on around 20 commissioned pieces a week, internationally and within the states, but he wants to start doing more with the local community. He’s open to all ideas and hopes he can help give those going through a hard time a glimmer of something comforting.



(MADISON HARDY/Press) Local glass artist Cameron Davenport, forms glas icicle over open flame.


(MADISON HARDY/Press) Cameron Davenport works on custom glass memorial pieces over open flame.