Monday, October 14, 2024

Gov. Little meets with President Trump

| July 17, 2020 1:00 AM

Talks about regulatory innovation, COVID-19

BOISE — Gov. Brad Little spent Thursday at the White House meeting with President Donald Trump and Trump administration officials on topics that included cutting government red tape to support America’s economic rebound, the availability of COVID-19 testing supplies for Idaho and Mountain Home Air Force Base, and others.

Little joined Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and other officials on the South Lawn of the White House to announce that the federal government and states across the country will ramp up efforts to streamline regulations that hinder economic development.

“Idaho’s success in cutting red tape serves as an example for other states and the federal government to follow,” a press release said.

Additional regulatory changes in Idaho this year improved Idaho’s response to COVID-19 by increasing health care capacity and access to telehealth services, the release said.

Little met with leading infectious disease expert Dr. Tammy Beckham of U.S. Health and Human Services on COVID-19 testing capacity in Idaho. The HHS indicated additional swabs would be sent to Idaho following Little’s request.

“Little communicated Idaho’s testing needs as students return to school next month and as more Idahoans return to work,” the release said. “He expects to see an increase in the availability of testing supplies for Idaho following the meeting.”

Following a call with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Wednesday night, Little met with Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury Dan Kowalski and White House staff about Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act funding and Idaho’s emphasis on using the funds to get Idahoans back to work and to support small business and public safety.

Little met with U.S. Air Force officials about strengthening the future of the Mountain Home Air Force Base.