Thursday, March 06, 2025

FLAGS: No call for offense

| July 10, 2020 1:00 AM

Regarding the article in the Sunday paper about the People’s Rights Parade, although well written about an event that I and my family and friends participated in (and thoroughly enjoyed), I felt that the second to last paragraph of the story was completely uncalled for. It left me feeling that the writer apparently feels that flying a flag in support of the current president, or honoring one’s heritage with a flag that some see as a sign of racism, is somehow divisive. Personally, I don’t see it that way.

Some may consider Donald Trump a polarizing figure but I think that in my lifetime, there has NEVER been a president who has tried to unite the people of this country, or fulfill his promises, better than Donald Trump. Does he say the wrong things sometimes? Yes. Is he perfect? Of course not…Who is? Who would want to be?

Now, the stars and bars…battle flag for the Confederacy. Symbol of racism? Maybe at one time, but now I think, more a symbol of the culture of the South. Dixie services uses it, I assume, to honor the heritage from whence they came. Does that make THEM racists? I doubt it. Like it or not, that flag, as well as the Gadsden flag, are both battle flags of AMERICANS, who have the right to honor and celebrate our independence AS THEY CHOOSE. THAT is what freedom is all about is it not? I wasn’t offended, why were you Mr. Northrup?


Coeur d’Alene