OneMain Financial Group LLC v. Allison R. Nieder, was awarded $6,372.40
OneMain Financial Group LLC v. Ashlyn K. Fister etal, was awarded $8,145
OneMain Financial Group LLC v. Samuel B. Murrell, was awarded $3,951.09
Brianna L. Durbin, born 1998, Post Falls: $307.50 fines and fees for driving without privileges; and $10 fines and fees for failure to use a vehicle safety restraint
Jaiden S. Estep, born 2001, Post Falls: $487.50 fines and fees for unlawfully purchasing, consuming or possessing an alcoholic beverage under 21 years of age
Tracey C. Fuller, born 1972, Post Falls: 90 days determinate, 86 days suspended, $250 fines and fees and one year probation for driving without privileges
Mickael R. Gorremans, born 1952, Osburn: 180 days determinate, tow days credit for time served, 170 days suspended, $344 fines and fees and two years probation for driving under the influence
Ian P. Griffith, born 1992, Coeur d’Alene: 365 days determinate, three days credit for time served, 335 days suspended, $900 fines and fees and two years probation for a second offense of driving under the influence; and $172.50 fines and fees for driving without privileges
Kameron M. Guthrie, born 2001, Coeur d’Alene: $276 fines and fees for racing on a public highway
Tyler K. Haas, born 1996, Coeur d’Alene: 365 days determinate, one day credit for time served, 359 days suspended, $1,000 fines and fees and two years probation for driving under the influence with an excessive blood alcohol level
Wendell F. Holder, born 1968, Coeur d’Alene: 365 days determinate, two days credit for time served, 335 days suspended, $900 fines and fees and two years probation for a second offense of driving under the influence
Richard F. Huston, born 1958, Hayden: $356.50 fines and fees for trespassing without property damage
Dominique J. Isbell, born 1997, Rathdrum: Four days determinate, $800 fines and fees and one year probation for driving under the influence