Thursday, March 06, 2025

COMMON SENSE: In back seat again

| July 3, 2020 4:54 PM

Am I living in an alternate universe where everything is upside down and nothing makes sense? Every day the Coeur d’Alene Press publishes news about the alarming increase in COVID-19 cases around the country, and more pertinent to us all, here in North Idaho. And every day the Press packs the paper with pictures of volunteers, community members and front-line workers doing their duty for the community by donating and volunteering.

And almost without exception ... no one is social distancing, and more alarming, no one is wearing masks. Today, Wednesday, was particularly alarming with all the hand shaking and shoulder to shoulder smiling disregard of common sense and science.

This is not a political issue, people. This is a very serious pandemic and people are dying. I guess if common sense was actually common I would see more of it. Sigh.

