Thursday, October 17, 2024

Playing with fire? Do it right

| July 2, 2020 1:00 AM

Happy birthday, America.

No reason to let pandemic-canceled events ruin the festivities. The best Fourth traditions with (socially distanced) friends and families can go on.

On July 4 we’ll consume 150 million hot dogs, 700 pounds of chicken, and $1.5 billion worth of alcohol — more than any other holiday, according to Wallethub’s Fourth of July by the Numbers.

Unfortunately, too many consume the booze while playing with their share of more than $1 billion of home-based fireworks Americans buy on the Fourth. Since most have the day off, there’s ample time to safely enjoy both.

What is it about explosions that’s so appealing?

Since fireworks mishaps are completely avoidable (our family’s infamous grass fire rendering meaningless such expressions as, “I’ve done this for years; nothing’s going to happen!”) and according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about half of more than 8,000 fireworks-related ER patients a year are children, precautions are warranted.

So parents, please set a good example while having fun with safety tips from and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

• Never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks.

• Sparklers aren’t for little kids, who are easily injured by them. Sparklers burn around 2,000 degrees — hot enough to melt metals.

• Never place any part of the body directly over a firework when lighting the fuse.

• Never try to re-light or pick up fireworks that haven’t fully ignited.

• Keep a water bucket or hose nearby (that’s one we learned the hard way).

• Light only one at a time, then move back quickly.

• Never shoot them off in metal or glass containers.

• Never carry fireworks in your pocket.

• Prevent trash fires: After fireworks finish burning, douse them with water before discarding.

• Make sure fireworks are legal in your area before buying or using them, and be a good neighbor — please clean up when you’re done.

Have a safe and happy Fourth!

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Sholeh Patrick is a columnist for the Hagadone News Network. Contact her at