TRAPS: You’ve been warned, dog owners
July 1, 2020 1:22 AM
This is to say thank you to Kevin Brown for his My Turn article, “Beware of wolf traps in Idaho on Public Land.”
FYI — Kill traps can be placed anywhere on public lands five feet from the center of any trail you may be walking on. These traps are baited and hidden as to attract animals, including your dog. These traps kill your dog before you can release them, and all you can do is watch them die.
It happened in Cougar Gulch and many other places. I have sent letters to all the powers that be in Boise, have talked to Fish and Game and to the U.S. Forest Service. No luck.
Even when your dog is on a leash, they can still come into contact with one of these traps. Be aware and be careful.
Coeur d’Alene