Thursday, March 13, 2025

SHERIFF: Analyze tough cases

| January 22, 2020 12:00 AM

The Press has recently devoted a significant amount of space to publishing the “Sheriff’s Blotter,” which details the daily law enforcement activity carried out throughout the county by the brave men and women of the Sheriff’s department.

As our current Sheriff looks forward to a well-earned retirement, and we contemplate the numerous candidates to fill that office, I am concerned that we are not asking questions about some of the high profile cases which have not been resolved in the past several years. One such case is the death of Larry Isenberg on Feb. 13, 2018.

The death was initially reported as a drowning by his wife who had accompanied him on an early February morning boat ride. The body was not recovered until March 1, 2018. An autopsy by the Spokane County Medical Examiner’s Office later revealed that “there were no visible signs of a stroke and no evidence of drowning.” Now, almost two years later, we still have no conclusion to this case, no charges have been filed, no suspects arrested.

With the pending change in office of County Sheriff, The Press might consider providing the public with an update on this investigation and a status on this and any other unclosed and pending cases of this type. That should involve the County Prosecutor’s office, which ultimately has the responsibility to bring charges following investigation and adjudicate the matter. With updated information on the Isenberg case and other open and pending cases, the voting public might be able to ask those who are running for Sheriff how they would address these issues and what resources they could bring to the table to get some of these issues resolved and bring those responsible to justice.


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