Thursday, March 13, 2025

SENIORS: Housing horror show

| January 19, 2020 12:00 AM

Recently we read of the Hayden mobile home park closing, leaving elderly and disabled residents without housing. Then, an editorial explaining that it’s America, we have a right to make a profit. Easy to say if you’ve never had to live in a car or over a heating grate; no toilet and no shower and people cross the street to avoid you.

Then, Hallelujah! Seniors received notice of a raise in Social Security checks of 1.6% beginning in January. Now we could afford half of our doctor visit copay!

Alas, at the same time, our senior living facility raised the rent 7.5%. There is no “catching up,” no stress-free aging on the horizon… The midtown rental market has turned into office space and the downtown rental market is now Airbnb and vacation rentals. The future seems bleak for those elders on a fixed income!


Coeur d’Alene