SENIORS: Face housing crisis
There is a huge deficit in housing for seniors in Coeur d’Alene. I wanted a small apartment in a senior community that will have access to transportation when I can no longer drive. I have been disabled with a neuro muscular disease since I was 46 and am now 72. I have never needed Medicaid, worked as a Pediatric RN most of my life until I became disabled.
There is HUD housing, with rent based on the amount of money I have or don’t have. Since I recently sold my home, HUD housing is “off limits” for at least three years. As far as the rest of the housing market, there are rentals at $2,000-$3,000/month. Personally, I am in the middle — too much for HUD housing and way too little for the “high end” rentals.
There are only very few independent living places in town and after being on “the list” at one place for two years, I have now been told it’s “first come, first served” because the “list” no longer exists.
I want a small apartment in a senior community with access to transportation when I can no longer drive. It should not be so hard to find an apartment in the range of $700-$850/month but it is. I know of only two places in Coeur d’Alene and one has no access to transportation. Both are on “first come, first served” basis. Both have no openings.
Now Gov. Little is bringing in refugees and I am floored! How about building more senior living places for people like me — independent but unable to maintain my home all by myself? I sold it last spring, anticipating that at 72, I would be able to secure an apartment that fit my physical needs and my budget. As the baby boomers age and live longer, this situation is only going to get worse unless drastic action is taken and soon!
Coeur d’Alene