Thursday, March 13, 2025

TRUMP: Reward him with defeat

| January 1, 2020 12:00 AM

I can think of many better reasons why Trump shouldn’t be president than the few “crimes” for which the Democrats are trying to impeach him. And these reasons have nothing to do with politics. They have to do with statesmanship, and presidential knowledge and understanding, and even gentlemanly conduct.

This president has behaved in such an unstatesmanlike manner in so many ways it’s hard to enumerate them. These aren’t opinions, they are facts.

He has bragged about not paying taxes. He has bragged about grabbing a woman’s crotch. He has admitted he doesn’t read books. He’s called the Free Press the “enemy of the people.” He’s called certain countries “shitholes.” He’s told certain congresspersons to “go back where they came from.”

He’s called other heads of state names. He’s said teachers should carry guns. He’s relied on sleezy social media to address the American people, the people he serves.

He’s shown sympathy toward the alt-right neo-nazi movement. He’s shown difficulty with many, many, people he has appointed, hired and fired, which shows lack of leadership skills, at best.

He has managed to divide the country more than it has been divided since the 1860s. He has accused people of “alternate facts,” “fake news.” Facts cannot be alternate. They are not negotiable. Opinions are negotiable, but not facts.

I think a president who has said so many things that were unstatesmanlike is enough to remove him from the Office, and it should be done at the ballot box. Let us bid “No Trump” in this bridge game of life in 2020! “Make America Great Again Indeed.”

