Friday, July 26, 2024

Titans of transparency

Staff Writer | December 26, 2020 1:07 AM

Coeur d'Alene and Kootenai school districts, along with Coeur d'Alene Charter Academy, are in the top of their class when it comes to transparency.

On Monday, Idaho Education News announced that only about 20% of Idaho's districts and charter schools comply with Idaho's website transparency laws.

Idaho statutes 33-320 and 33-357 require public school district and charter websites to have certain items available:

• Financial information, including budgets and audits.

• Vendor and personnel contracts

• Monthly expenditures

• Board meeting agendas and minutes

• Strategic plans

Coeur d'Alene and Boise school districts were found to be in full compliance of the law.

"I was happy to get the recognition for our district," said Coeur d'Alene School Board Chairman Casey Morrisroe. "We work very hard on providing a high level of transparency, not just meeting the state requirements, but going above and beyond."

Carrie Hugo, chairwoman for the Kootenai School Board, said her district has experienced major changes in the past couple years, including interim Superintendent Dennis Kachelmaier, who acted as a mentor to current Superintendent Wade Pilled.

"They have both worked to keep our website and legal postings up to date and accurate," Hugo said. "Transparency with the public and our patrons and school families has been a big goal for our district and I’m happy to see that we are meeting that mark."