HYPOCRISY: Let it end with us
Our leaders shouldn’t take what they deny to others. We all are hypocritical at times. Often we talk to our children saying, “Do as I say, not as I do.” We know inside we should not do what we admonish others for doing. We stress honesty and morality to our children. Our message may focus on “it’s the right thing to do.” Occasionally, we hear that little voice in our head saying “I know better.”
We should try not being a hypocrite in all that we do. Our employers expect honesty at work and doing our best. Some days my best is less than other days. We expect our government to provide needed help during difficult times. None of us want to pay more in taxes but we support increases that we believe will help others in need, medical help, meals for seniors, subsidized loans for education, unemployment compensation and others. This is human nature.
If throughout my life I object to helping anyone then I should not expect personal help. If I request public assistance for others but not for me is that hypocrisy? If I denounce assistance to anyone and then apply for it, am I a hypocrite? If you meet the criteria for help then you are eligible.
Civility mandates decency, not only when it effects me personally. Denouncing any help to people in need and then filing for help to fit your needs is not civility. It can never be if we are not decent first.
Coeur d’Alene