PHD: Single-day record of 415 new cases
December 9, 2020 1:00 AM
The Panhandle Health District reported a single-day record of 415 new coronavirus cases on Tuesday.
That brings its total of cases to 11,697, with 7,910 of those closed. In the PHD, 129 deaths have been attributed to the virus, with 116 of those people age 70 and older.
The age group with the most cases in the PHD is 18-29, with 2,278, followed by the 30-39 age group with 1,880 cases.
Kootenai County has had 9,107 cases, including 346 new ones on Tuesday, and 89 deaths attributed to the coronavirus.
Kootenai Health reported it has 66 COVID-19 patients, with 15 of those in critical care, as it continues to operate close to capacity.