Thursday, February 06, 2025

NORTHWEST NOTES: Aug. 20, 2020

| August 20, 2020 1:10 AM

Virtual Bloomsday registration

deadline fast approaching

SPOKANE — The deadline for Virtual Bloomsday is Wednesday, Aug. 26.

Cost is $25 and you can register online at

All Virtual Bloomsday participants will receive a tye-dye race number; $10 off a $20 grocery purchase at Safeway or Albertsons supermarkets and an official 2020 race finisher shirt.

Participants of Virtual Bloomsday can run, walk or stroll any 7.46 mile course between Sept. 18-20. Bloomies will then enter their finish time in the results portal posted on the Bloomsday website to verify their completion of the 12-kilometer distance. Finisher shirts will be mailed in late September.

“Earn your shirt, continue your Bloomsday streak, and run your favorite 7.46 mile course — anywhere in the workd,” Bloomsday Race Director John Neill said. “We are excited to hear about all the great places where Bloomies completed their Virtual Bloomsday.”

Approximately 18,000 runners and walkers have signed up for the event.