Monday, February 17, 2025

Milestone Announcements

| August 16, 2020 1:00 AM

Bill and Gerlinde Hamilton

50th Anniversary

Bill and Gerlinde Hamilton will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on Aug. 17, 2020, at their home on beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene. They were married on Aug. 17, 1970, in a civil ceremony in Bad Muenster am Stein/Ebernberg, Germany, near where Bill was stationed during his first overseas tour in the U.S. Army.

During Bill’s 30 years in the service, they moved 29 times and lived in Georgia, Texas, Alabama, Korea/Idaho (He/She), Germany (three more tours), Maryland and Washington before retiring from the military.

A native of Coeur d’Alene, Bill was fortunate to be selected for the Warrant Officer Flight Training program in 1972 and graduated with a Warrant Officer’s Bar and Aviator Wings as a helicopter pilot, eventually retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer 4 and Master Army Aviator with about 10,000 hours of rotary and fixed wing flight time.

Marrying a soldier was quite a leap for a young German girl who had been raised on a farm in rural Germany. Gerlinde adapted very quickly, honing her English so well that many thought her accent was Canadian. As a typical military spouse, she found work shortly after arriving at a new duty station. She enjoyed working in insurance, and later banking, while maintaining a warm and stable home and providing in-home care for her disabled mother for more than 12 years.

They have two daughters, Kelli and Nicole; and two grandsons, Noland and Logan.

Joseph and Harriett Masterson

60th Anniversary

Joseph and Harriett Masterson met in Dallas, Texas, at a church service where Joe shared his story. Joe had moved to Texas as a young man in 1957 after growing up in the south Bronx, N.Y., and there placed his faith in Jesus. Harriett was the beautiful red-headed piano player who caught Joe’s eye immediately. Having no car, Joe innocently bummed a ride home from Harriett’s mother. Joe and Harriett married on Aug. 13, 1960.

Joe preached and Harriet played piano and sang. They worked hard, first in Dallas, then in New York, then back to Dallas, in Houston, San Antonio, back to Dallas, then to Oklahoma City, in Pauls Valley, Okla., then back to Dallas, then to Lancaster, Texas, then to Bethany, Okla., finally ending up in North Idaho in 2005. Joe has served as Pastor or on staff at the following churches: Bethel Baptist Church, Jefferson, Texas; Candlelight Bible Church, Houston, Texas; Sunny Glen Baptist Church, Dallas; Kenwood Baptist Church, Dallas; Trinity Baptist Church, Pauls Valley; Kessler Park Baptist Church, Dallas; Lancaster Park Baptist Church, Lancaster; Tulakes Baptist Church, Bethany; and Crossroads Church, Rose Lake.

During all of that, Joe and Harriett raised five children. Steve (married to Kim) of Coeur d’Alene; Paul (married to Jill) of Newberg, Ore.; Margaret (married to Mike Croom) of Oak Harbor, Wash.; Audrey (married to Todd Henry) of Colorado Springs, Colo.; and Rachel (married to Dave Chalk) of Guthrie, Okla. All of Joe and Harriett’s children are native born Texans. In addition, Joe and Harriett have 20 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Currently, Harriett is an active member of the Coeur d’Alene Art Association. She enjoys painting, gardening and watching the backyard chickens. Joe enjoys his workouts and socializing at the Salvation Army Kroc Center in Coeur d’Alene, as well as looking after Murphy, their Australian terrier. They both attend the Coeur d’Alene campus of Real Life Ministries and are actively involved in their life group.

Joe and Harriett renewed their vows Saturday, Aug. 15, 2020, at Real Life Ministries in Coeur d’Alene.

Jerry and Dee Sharp

50th Anniversary

Cheers to half a century of love, 5% of a millennium to follow you both into eternity!

Today I wish you both much happiness and joy as you celebrate these 50 wonderful years together. Thanks for everything you’ve done for your whole family. I hope you guys have a great anniversary.

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Submit your milestones to or in person at the Coeur d’Alene Press, 215 Second St., Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814.

Listings include:

• Wedding anniversaries for couples married 25 years and every fifth year thereafter (2 photos accepted)

• Engagement announcements (1 photo accepted)

• Wedding announcements (1 photo accepted)

• Births (1 photo accepted)

• Milestone birthdays at age 70 and every fifth year thereafter or every year after age 90 (1 photo accepted)

• Generations (1 photo accepted)

• Academic honors and higher education accomplishments (1 photo accepted)

• Military announcements (1 photo accepted)

Deadline is 3 p.m. Tuesdays.


Joseph and Harriett Masterson, 60th Anniversary


Bill and Gerlinde Hamilton, 50th Anniversary


Bill and Gerlinde Hamilton, 50th Anniversary


Jerry and Dee Sharp, 50th Anniversary


Jerry and Dee Sharp, 50th Anniversary