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Panhandle Health District reports 55 new cases

| August 14, 2020 1:00 AM

The Panhandle Health District reported 55 new coronavirus cases on Thursday, which brings the total of cases to 2,404. There have been 24 deaths attributed to the virus.

The number of closed cases stands at 1,530, while active cases are at 874.

Twenty-five people are hospitalized due to COVID-19, PHD reported, and 10 are in critical care at Kootenai Health.

Kootenai County has 1,929 cases, Bonner has 189, Shoshone is at 158, Benewah 70 and Boundary has 39 cases, according to PHD.

Of those in the PHD who have reportedly died from the coronavirus, two were in their 60s and 22 were 70 or older.

Health officials continue to remind people to wear masks in public when social distancing can’t be maintained, per the PHD’s mandate, wash hands, avoid large crowds and sanitize frequently touched areas.