Friday, July 26, 2024

Putting her best foot forward

Staff Writer | August 5, 2020 1:00 AM

Rachael Fetter wants to raise money for those with foot drop

COEUR d’ALENE — Rachael Fetter plans to do a virtual run called “Running With Foot Drop.”

She wants company.

The Rathdrum woman has bilateral foot drop, so she has no movement of her feet from her knees down.

“This run is raising money for people that can’t afford a leg brace that they need for this condition,” Fetter said. “Would love to see people help a good cause and stay healthy being outside.”

Proceeds will help people with foot drop in need of an Ankle Foot Orthotics,

Participants will choose a distance — mile, 5K, 10K, half marathon, or marathon — and run it anytime from Sept. 18 to Oct. 2.

They will receive a personalized electronic “Running with Foot Drop” certificate displaying name, distance and time.

Shirts will have the “Running with Foot Drop” logo created by the 24-year-old Fetter. The logo depicts two people, a man and a woman, each running with a leg brace.

Fetter uses braces or leg stimulators, electronic devices to stimulate muscles and nerves to make feet work, when she’s goes out with her service dog, Deeks.

“They are wonderful,” she said.

She does not know how she got bilateral foot drop. She twice went to the Mayor Clinic, but a cause was not determined.

She does know that when she turned 18, the condition got worse. First, the right foot, then the left, were affected.

It has slowed her but not stopped her. She does her best to exercise and undergoes physical therapy.

She plans to run the 5K next month and is talking three miles a day with Deeks to prepare.

Her goal is a 15-minute mile

“I’m not even close,” she said, laughing.



Rachael Fetter wears Turbomed braces. To her left are hard Ankle Foot Orthotics and on her right are Bioness leg stimulators. (Photo courtesy Rachael Fetter)