Friday, September 20, 2024

HIGHWAY 54: Work to be done

| August 4, 2020 10:33 AM

Well, here we go again. Lakes Highway District got out their best engineers to resurface Highway 54 thinking this would be OK for the taxpaying public. Well, not so fast.

I think by now they need to go back to the drawing board and re-evaluate the situation. There is still a pothole at the intersection of Ramsey and 54 that could envelope a Volkswagen. When are these people going to get it together?

The resurface that came about last month did nothing to improve the road surface. Just like the Band-Aid that they did last time.

We need a four lane from Spirit Lake to Athol, and it’s time to get ‘er done. Now that they have done the paint striping and all, the next thing will be seal coating and a need for more paint striping. Why are we using our tax dollars for all this without making it better?


Kootenai County