STEVE CAMERON BLOG Parrotheads and Gov applause
Still here.
Right, we’ll get down to serious subjects in just a minute.
First, though, I need to acknowledge all the readers who’ve written to comment on the Jimmy Buffett lyrics in the song “Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes.”
We published the words to that entire song in the blog last week, just because it seemed like the perfect response to what mental health professionals are now calling “quarantine fatigue.”
Special shout out to Theresa Moran, a true Parrothead (Buffett fan) for also clueing me in to lots of videos — including complete concerts — on a website called
Several readers, though, suggested that ANOTHER Buffett song is truly most appropriate to the difficulties of this pandemic.
Jimmy sang it at a fundraising concert on behalf of Hurricane Katrina victims.
It’s called: “Breathe In. Breathe Out. Move On.”
I agree, Parrotheads, that’s the perfect sentiment for the spot where we find ourselves right now.
In fact, I think I’ll conclude every blog with that line — just to keep us all focused and moving on.
Oh, and speaking of refusing to be glum all the time, quite a few of you seemed to enjoy the joke that came from my partner Melissa and made it into the blog last Saturday.
Better yet, nobody was offended.
Or at least, I got no complaints.
Melissa actually sent me two jokes last week. Maybe we’ll break out the second one sometime down the road.
However ...
I’ve got to address something really important now.
Surely we’ve all seen Gov. Brad Little’s four-phase plan for reopening Idaho businesses (and all of society, really).
I want to say it seems right on the money.
No rush, but no stalling.
There are clear metrics that have to be met every two weeks if we’re going to continue letting the economy start ticking again.
If we hit a rash of coronavirus cases at any point (please, no!), the whole thing halts and everyone plays it safe.
Same thing if hospitals or medical professionals face a shortage of needed equipment — likewise, if widespread testing becomes too difficult.
I wasn’t just pleased to see such a comprehensive and sensible plan, I can honestly say it made me proud.
A lot of other states (Georgia comes straight to mind) would have been far smarter if they’d adopted a plan like this one in Idaho.
I’m not sure exactly who was involved in helping the governor draw up these guidelines, but applause for everyone.
Common sense at work ...
I love it.
Now let’s see how we can pull this off, giving the local and state economies a boost without taking our eyes off the health-care side of things.
Make it happen.
Breathe In. Breathe Out. Move On.
• • •
You’re invited to join Steve’s blog. Toss in any thought or opinion, as long as it doesn’t get us sued.
The blog appears Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday online at
It runs Wednesday, Friday and Sunday in The Press print edition.
Facebook: Steve Cameron