Saturday, October 05, 2024

What we’ve learned from COVID-19

by Andrea Nagel
| April 28, 2020 1:10 AM

Now that we’re starting to reopen local businesses and are looking forward to gathering in small groups again, you may be eager to get back to the life you were living before COVID-19. But before you do, take a moment to reflect. While many of us have experienced losses or sacrificed privileges by staying home, there may also be some good things we’ve gained over the past months. What new habits or insights can you take with you as you move forward?

Reopening our community will be a slow process, and we need to be prepared to hit pause intermittently. As we move forward and experiment with being back out around town, here are a few things you might want to keep in or out of your life as we enter our new normal.

OUT: Handshakes. They turned out to be a great way to say “hello” to germs. If you got used to the wave or elbow bump during the pandemic, keep that new greeting going.

IN: Hand washing. Washing your hands well and often is one of the best ways to avoid spreading COVID-19 — and other germs. Make those 20-second scrubs with soap and water a permanent part of your life.

OUT: Going to work or school sick. Many of us — kids included — did our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 by staying home. That’s a good lesson to take back with us into the world. Whenever there’s a chance you’re sick, you can help everyone by keeping your germs at home.

IN: Face masks. Chances are you now have a cloth face mask on hand — or the know-how to quickly make one. Hang on to that. Anytime you’re sick, you can use your face mask to help cover your coughs and protect the people around you.

OUT: Last-minute grocery runs. Wasn’t it nice not visiting the grocery store so often? Even if you don’t plan meals in advance, keeping a well-stocked pantry can make it easier to whip up dinner without an extra trip to the store.

IN: Cooking from scratch. Dusting off some healthy cooking skills is a good practice to keep. When you prepare your own food, you can make your meals as nutritious, fresh, and flavorful as you want. That’s definitely worth hanging on to.

OUT: Information overload. There has been no shortage of news to consume. And sometimes it seemed misinformation was spreading as fast as the virus. That might have fed your anxiety about the situation. Learning how to find trustworthy news sources and set healthy media limits are skills that can serve you well going forward.

IN: Telemedicine. Virtual visits with a doctor are a great way to bypass a waiting room full of contagious people. They can also be a convenient option when you need after-hours care, counseling, or help for minor illnesses.

OUT: Smoking. If this pandemic inspired you to quit smoking to protect your lungs, that’s a huge win that can serve up lifelong benefits for your health. Keep tobacco and vaping products out of your life for good.

IN: Planning ahead for emergencies. It pays to be prepared to shelter in place during situations like pandemics, natural disasters, or power outages. If possible, choose a room in your home that can be used to separate sick household members from those who are healthy. Create an emergency contact list. And gather long-lasting supplies you’ll need in case of an emergency.

OUT: Loneliness. Isolation can breed depression and anxiety. And pandemics aren’t the only time we experience that. Make it a priority to stay in touch with others. Those ties are an important part of good mental health. If you started regular phone or video chats with distant loved ones during the pandemic, keep up the habit. And if you know someone who lives alone, make a point of checking in often.

IN: Being kind to others. We found some pretty creative ways to look out for each other, even while staying apart. Doing good things for other people can give meaning and purpose to your life. If you dropped off groceries, picked up a prescription or left a kind note during the crisis, you made a difference. Keep looking for ways to spread that kindness.

Kootenai Health and the Panhandle Health District are actively working to share information about COVID-19 with our community. You can find the latest updates and ways to protect yourself at If you have questions about COVID-19 or think you may have the virus, call the Panhandle Health District COVID-19 hotline at 1-877-415-5225.

Sources: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; American Academy of Family Physicians; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; HelpGuide