Sunday, November 03, 2024

WRITER: Gloves come off

| April 22, 2020 1:00 AM

Wow! What a difference a month makes — from the greatest economy in the history of our country to almost a shutdown of America, and the world. You might think Democrats would put politics aside so we could battle this virus together — but no! So I guess my gentle side is over — for now. Let’s see why.

It appears most every news outlet has many guests who are authorities on COVID-19, mostly critical of Trump’s leadership. Why are liberals so gleeful when USA statistics look the worst? Hillary was SO presidential as she tweeted about United States’ death tolls increasing so rapidly (due to Trump’s policies!). Biden led the charge that Trump was racist and irresponsible to shut down flights from China and Europe. Pelosi wholly agreed with Biden as she walked the halls of Congress talking to herself and chewing on something.

The White House Daily Task Force reports on what is happening, what is being done, and why. These are among the world’s most knowledgeable, capable leaders in their fields. Vice President Pence is remarkable and Trump presents a united voice that America will get through this sooner than later — always an inspiration of hope, while each day confronting a hostile liberal news corps.

I suspect when the pandemic is over, history will record that in such a time as this, one man stood head and shoulders above all world leaders with remarkable leadership — Yeah! — Donald J. Trump.

p.s. Re: Uyless Black’s Opinion Article — Sir, Joe Biden has much greater problems than stuttering!


Coeur d’Alene