Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Tru’s Tribute

Staff Writer | April 15, 2020 1:00 AM

Family, friends rally to girl with cerebral palsy celebrating 11th birthday

POST FALLS — Tru Zakar was told she was going outside for pictures to mark her 11th birthday on Monday.

Then, as she sat in her wheelchair in the yard, a procession of colorful cars headed up the street toward her Post Falls home. Horns were honking, people were waving, and some were shouting “Happy Birthday.”

The daughter of Todd and Erika Zakar looked on quizzically and said, “Are those for me?”

They were.

The surprise celebration for Tru included friends and family, joined by six police cars and a fire truck.

“I didn’t know the cars were all coming,” she said, smiling.

The police were a big hit.

“I haven’t seen the police in person. I’ve seen them a lot of times at school, like when we had a presentation,” Tru said. “I haven’t seen them like really in person, so it was cool to see that.”

Tru has cerebral palsy, has undergone several surgeries, and because her immune system isn’t strong, she must be very careful of infections, said Erika Zakar.

So, these days, she sits inside most of the time, often by the window to let the sun warm her face. She goes outside for short stretches of time.

“She is devastated to be missing her final year at elementary school, not seeing her friends or aide,” Erika said.

Her family wanted to cheer her up.

“It’s amazing that so many in the community would get together and do this for our baby girl,” Erika said. “She is such a bright spot and supporter of everyone else it was awesome to see everyone cheering for her.”

About 20 cars rallied near Capone’s Pub and Grill at 3:30 p.m. to decorate with balloons, streamers and birthday messages.

Victoria Chenault, Tru’s sister, was the leader in her Jeep Wrangler. She described Tru as “high spirited. Nothing can bring her down.

“She’s so strong, she’s been through a lot of stuff,” Chenault said.

Terry Zakar, Tru’s grandmother, was near tears.

“She is the most amazing little girl I’ve ever known in my life,” Terry said. “She’s strong, with so much courage that I can’t even tell you.”

Brenna Franklin, another sister, said Tru does her best to be joyful and loves to laugh.

“She cares for everybody. She’s just wonderful,” Franklin said. “I’m really glad to see everybody coming out and supporting her.”

Steven Tyson, with Team Hoyt, has completed several races with Tru. He said as a team, they are strong in spirit.

“She’s awesome,” Tyson said, fighting back tears. “She motivates me the whole time. She’s my co-pilot.”

Tru said she wants to do more races, too.

“Yeah, hopefully,” she said.

Erika Zakar said the parade of cars on Tru’s birthday was a priceless gift.

“I cried. I’m not going to lie,” she said. “I hate to see her depressed, so this is perfect. She really, really needed this. It was wonderful. It makes it a little bit better for her to know people are still around.”

A beaming and talkative Tru said she was glad she could be with her family on her birthday.

When told she was surrounded by people who loved her, Tru nodded.

“Yeah, I can see that,” she said.