COVID-19: Critical assumptions
I am sure you are aware of the mathematical models used to forecast the spread and impact of the virus. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx stated very clearly that a mathematical model is only as good as the assumptions that are used.
I want to bring to light an article published in Breitbart magazine that finally sheds light onto the most important assumption used to make public decisions surrounding the virus. The title of the article is “Chicago Phlebotomist: Coronavirus Antibodies Found in 30-50% Tested for COVID-19.” The data from the Chicago area is showing that there is at minimum more than 100 million Americans that have already been infected and have built immunity to the virus.
What this tells us about the mathematical models driving governmental decisions:
This is the smoking gun that shows the virus has been here long before the models predicted. There are ONLY two ways more than 100 million Americans could have contracted the disease in such a short amount of time.
1. The virus would have to spread nearly three times faster than most virologist world wide agree upon.
2. The start date of infection in the U.S. was much earlier than used in the models.
Using regression analysis it can be clearly shown that the estimated first infection in the U.S. was actually around Dec. 1. This also shows that we are at the tail end of the infection.
Coeur d’Alene