Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Sheriff's blotter

| April 7, 2020 1:11 AM

Notable calls of the day!


• Multiple units responded to a report of a Suicide Threat originally aired for the Cataldo area involving a male threatening to kill himself by driving into the river (or lake). A ping location of the male’s phone was requested through the phone company which showed the phone in the Post Falls area. Deputies checked multiple waterway related locations, units were UTL. 20-12243

• Units responded to N Neufeld Rd for a psychological. A male called to report that his live-in girlfriend had taken pills in attempt to harm herself because of depression from the couple’s break-up. During the report to 911, the incident got physical over the phone and the male ended up with a scratch on his face, but possibly from his own hand. Deputies took the female to KH for treatment and a domestic battery/911 interference report was taken for possible charges. 20-12292 and 20-12309.

• Units responded to E Midtown Ln for a psychological. A son called to report that his mother was suicidal from a recent breakup and intoxicated. Based on statements from the mom, she was taken to KH for treatment. 20-12306.

• Units responded to E Nunn Rd for a psychological between mother and adult daughter. Units learned the daughter had battered her mother during the incident. The daughter was not a danger to herself or others and mom did not wish to pursue of charges. The daughter’s boyfriend removed her from the residence to solve the problem. Deputies completed a report closed victim declined. 20-12290.

• Units responded to the Cornerstone Holiday gas station for intoxicated male. The male had locked himself in the bathroom drinking the alcohol he had just burglarized from the business. Deputies arrested the male for burglary. 20-12317.

• A Deputy contacted a male for racing in the oncoming lanes of Prairie x Ramsey. The Deputy cited/released the driver for Reckless Driving. 20-12302.

• Deputies responded to the area of W Holmes Rd. for a trespassing complaint. The R/P called and advised earlier in the night, she heard ATV’s on her property and now movement was being picked up on her security cameras. While Deputies were looking around the property and along the railroad tracks, they made contact with a green Ford F150 as it was trespassing on railroad property. Inside the vehicle was a male. His license was suspended and the vehicle smelled of marijuana. A search of the vehicle yielded marijuana, paraphernalia, a license plate that did not belong to him and a stolen wallet. He was arrested for possession of marijuana and paraphernalia along with grand theft and possession of personal identifying information. 20-12312

• Deputies responded to the area of Highway 54 and Meadow St regarding a trespassing complaint. Union Pacific railroad called and advised there was a vehicle along the tracks and they request the occupants be trespassed. While looking for the vehicle, another vehicle, a white GMC Sierra, was spotted along the railroad tracks. Deputies attempted to stop the vehicle, however, it decided to take off and a pursuit ensued. The pursuit went from Athol, W/B on Highway 54 into Spirit Lake East where the majority of the pursuit took place. The pursuit continued on side roads and trails through the woods. Several other units responded and he advised the suspect vehicle had crashed on Sand Creek Rd., just north of Coeur d’Alene Dr. Other Deputies and units from ISP and Bonner County SO arrived and took the driver into custody without further incident. His passenger, was detained, but ultimately released without charges. The driver is on felony probation and said he does not know why he ran. No injuries occurred as a result of the pursuit/crash. The driver was booked on felony eluding and his probation officer was notified who will most likely be filing a probation violation in the very near future. 20-12328

Notable calls for the day!


• The Sheriff’s Office was advised per a Facebook posting, The Captains Wheel Resort in Bayview was posting they were going to have a Bon Fire and Gathering. Deputies responded to The Captains Wheel Resort and contacted a female employee there and reminded her of the current gathering laws and fire law. Deputies completed a FI 20-12361

• Deputies responded to W Seltice Way Stateline Village regarding a burglary. Upon their arrival they learned an unknown suspect throw a brick through the window and cigarettes were stolen. Deputies completed an investigation. 20-12332

• Units responded to E Duce Rd in Athol for a possible overdose. A wife called to report that her husband was highly intoxicated and had taken multiple sleeping pills. Upon arrival, units discovered that the husband was not trying to kill himself but rather come down off of his meth binge the day prior. Medical transported the male due to his ingestion of pills. Deputies completed an incident report. 20-12377.

• Units responded to W Ridge Dr for a possible overdose. Parents called to report that their 15 year old daughter had tried to harm herself by taking pills because she was depressed about her life. Medical units transported female to KH for treatment. Deputies completed an incident report. 20-12398

• Deputies responded to N Collins Rd for a family dispute. A female family member showed up to a BBQ and was not welcome. An argument ensued and one party claimed the other revved their engine at the other. No one wanted to pursue charges. 20-12404

• Deputies responded to E Lorraine Dr for a family dispute. A female called in to advise her husband, got into a physical altercation with his son. They also advised son took dad’s work vehicle without permission. Dad did not want to pursue charges on battery or theft. While investigating the incident, the son was observed driving by in a different vehicle. Deputies caught up to him on Homestead Rd and stopped him. The son had a misdemeanor warrant out of Kootenai County. He was arrested on the warrant. He exhibited the symptoms of intoxication, but refused and tests. He was also charged with DUI. 20-12406

Notable calls of the day!


• Deputies took a DVA violation report at E. Little Bear Ln. where a female violated the order that is in place. The female was contacted and said she was yelling at the sky not at the victim. Complaint completed.

• Several deputies responded to W. Diagonal Rd. for a suicide threat report. It was reported a female had made suicidal threats and then attempted to get a gun from the residence. She was stopped by one of her sons and then she ran out of the house into the woods north of the residence. Several deputies checked the area and set a perimeter. The UAS (Drone) Team was called and responded. Rec. Safety Deputies also responded with ATVs. As the drone was getting set to deploy, the female stepped out of the woods south of the house. She was interviewed and taken to KH for treatment.

• Deputies responded to E. Duce Rd. in Athol for a battery report. Prior to their arrival, call notes indicated a female was “drug from a vehicle” by a black Range Rover and possible heading into Bayview. The vehicle was stopped and all parties were contacted regarding the incident. It appears there was an argument over some lights that may have been taken from the residence as the house was going to be sold. A female went to retrieve the lights that were taken and put inside the black Range Rover belonging to a second female. While the victim was in the back of the vehicle trying to grab the lights, the driver placed the vehicle in reverse and began to back up. A complaint request was completed on the driver. 20-12443

• Deputies responded to E. Little Bear for a harassment call for the second time today. It was reported the female suspect was out and about and may have been yelling at her neighbors again. The caller said she was in his driveway “yelling” at him and “saying crazy things.” It was also reported that she may have threatened “to beat up his wife” as well. Units stayed in the area trying to locate the female but were unsuccessful. 20-12464

• Deputies responded to the Hauser Lake area to contact “3 Washington plated vehicles and at least 3 subjects were using nets to take fish out of the lake.” After checking on the subjects, they admitted to going after frogs and “releasing” the fish they “inadvertently” had caught. 20-12465

• Deputies responded to a welfare check at E. Chilco Rd where a male called in and said armed bicyclists were chasing him. The home owner of the house contacted the male at the end of the driveway and spoke to him until units arrived. The male had mixed meth and an over the counter medication possibly and was having issues with the combo. The male had a 101 degree fever and was transported to KH to be evaluated. It is unknown what was wrong with male but he was left in the care of the hospital. 20-12497

• After receiving multiple calls for service, Deputies were finally able to locate the female suspect on Little Bear Ln and arrested her for Witness Intimidation and she was cited for obstructing and NCO Violation. 20-12464

• After receiving a tip from Facebook, multiple units responded to the party spot on State Land on Diagonal x Sturgeon and located the party of approximately 30 people, consisting of manly frequent fliers, most of whom have been contacted in the last few weeks for many criminal violations and are not known for following the law. Everyone on scene was cited or charged for different things, to include violation of the Governor’s stay at home order, as this party was non-essential. One juvenile male was arrested for mara/para/violation of the stay at home order and transported to JDC since he does not live at home, even though he is 16, and stays at friend’s houses. 20-12486