Sunday, January 05, 2025

POPULATION: Culling is natural

| April 3, 2020 1:00 AM

Difficult as it is to accept, the coronavirus is one of several ways our planet deals with overpopulation, war and climate being others.

For example: A typhoon in India killed 100,000 in less than four days, two atomic bombs killed 200,000+, a fire bombing on Dresden, Germany killed 100,000+, Hitler killed 7 million-plus Jews and others, an estimated 67 million people died in World War II, and a 1918 flu pandemic killed 100,000+ to cite a few.

We have to accept and not fear our crisis, horrible as it may seem to be.

Furthermore, the world’s population continues to grow exponentially, a threat to our continued life. Abortion is not an option but birth control is. We need to preserve and protect those who currently are alive, not sacrifice them to unwanted and unneeded human breeding.

If we don’t consider limiting and/or reducing global population, our planet may do it for us.


Coeur d’Alene