Sunday, September 22, 2024

If you're reading this, you need a flu shot

| September 25, 2019 1:00 AM

HAYDEN — Panhandle Health District is encouraging everyone older than six months of age to take the influenza vaccine. Flu season is just around the corner and now is the best time to protect yourself.

The flu spreads throughout the North Idaho Panhandle every year and can have a significant effect on the community. By being vaccinated, residents not only protect themselves, they look out for the people they live, work and interact with. The exact timing of flu season can vary, but flu activity often begins in October and tend to peak between December and February. Flu season can last as late as May.

Flu resulted in 58 deaths in Idaho during the 2018-2019 flu season, according to data from the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. The Panhandle saw eight flu-related deaths. Of those, seven were in people older than 50; the other was a person between the ages of 19 and 49.

The best way to protect yourself from the flu, is to get a flu shot.

Last year’s flu season lasted 36 weeks nationwide. In Idaho, the majority of those who tested positive for influenza were diagnosed with Type A/H1N1. Panhandle Health accepts walk-in adult patients who would like a flu vaccine. Please schedule an appointment for children so staff can properly review their medical records. For walk-in hours, please contact the Panhandle Health clinic nearest you.

Panhandle Health offers a “quadrivalent” flu vaccine: It protects against four kinds of flu viruses, two ‘A’ viruses and two influenza ‘B’ viruses. The quadrivalent flu vaccine provides a broader protection against circulating flu viruses compared to a trivalent vaccine, which protects against three flu viruses.

“You can receive your flu shot at almost any pharmacy now, but it is important to ask what vaccine they carry,” said Panhandle Health District nurse manager Kristina Meyer said. “Many grocery-store pharmacies carry only a trivalent vaccine, which protects against three flu viruses. The greatest protection you can receive is with a quadrivalent flu vaccine, so we encourage everyone to ask their pharmacy what vaccine” it carries.

All medical insurance, including Medicaid and Medicare Part B are accepted. Most insurance plans cover flu shots. For uninsured, a children’s flu shot is $20; an adult flu shot is $23.High-dose flu shots are available for those 65 and older, call for pricing.

An annual flu shot is the best way to protect yourself from flu-related illness. You can continue to prevent the spread of illness throughout your community by washing your hands often and avoiding people with cold or flu symptoms. If you have flu symptoms, it is advised that you stay home to prevent spreading the virus to others. And as always, cover your coughs and sneezes.

Call your local PHD clinic for days and times they are available to take walk-ins or schedule an appointment. For more information on the flu, visit