Saturday, October 26, 2024

GUNS: Democrats reveal strategy

| September 18, 2019 1:00 AM

So now Beto has finally expressed in Prime Time, the dark fantasy that the Democrats have been expressing in not-so-secret for years. They’re coming for the guns. No matter that gun owners were, and still are, called “conspiracy nut jobs,” “whackadoodles,” “paranoid extremists,” etc. for stating this was the end game. And now every other “D” candidate either explicitly or complicity agrees with him. No matter that they can’t “buy back” something they never owned. No matter that we were warned by Patrick Henry to NEVER give up the force to be able to protect the public liberty or we would be ruined.

There is no “unringing” this bell — we ALL heard it. No “walking back” or “I misspoke” with that “Hell yes ...” red line in the sand he drew. So, which side of that line are you going to be on America? The side of liberty and freedom, or the side of tyranny and control? Because when the People can’t resist, an oppressive government can do anything it chooses. History teaches us that in the deaths of millions who have died at the hands of unchecked power, will we remember that lesson? Because it can and HAS happened right here in “Amurica” — at a place called Wounded Knee.

Don’t let it happen again.

