Saturday, October 12, 2024

WELCOMING: Time to appreciate heroes

| September 6, 2019 1:00 AM

This is in response to a resent complaint that I read in regard to a welcome home that our community put on for Army Sgt. 1st Class Brian Sharp. Brian was a Green Beret and was injured during a battle in Afghanistan and was then awarded the Purple Heart for his bravery and sacrifice. On Aug. 30, the community flocked to the sides of I-90, on the bridges and down government way to welcome back this hero, because its men and women like him that protect our freedoms and allow us the opportunity to live such amazing lives.

Jeffery, you titled our communities efforts as a “circus on the highway.” Yes, our ramps were crowded with flashing police vehicles and choked with fire trucks with spot lights and flags hanging from them. Yes, the roads were backed up from Post Falls to Coeur d’Alene.

Such a small inconvenience for you in comparison to the time and sacrifice Brian has made for not only this country, but for you as well. I and many others are baffled at the selfishness that you can’t give up 10 minutes of your day for someone else who was willing to risk everything, even his very life and his families well-being to keep you safe and free. Our local decision makers have bigger things to worry about than someones anti-military views and his small inconveniences.

I think you forget that we pay our police and fire department no matter what they’re doing, so asking them to be there and attend you could say that yes, we did pay them to be there. Perhaps it’s time we started to appreciate what heroes like Brian Sharp have done for us and not focus on the fouled up road that is to celebrate his return home.

Thank you Brian Sharp, your country and it’s people are indebted to you.


local patriot
