Friday, October 18, 2024

ALLIES: A word to the wise

| October 25, 2019 1:00 AM

The time is long past due for America to stiffen her back, speak the truth and show the world that when the U.S. speaks, she means what she says.

In regard to the Middle East debacle, our presence to some extent has been counter productive. Due to the makeup and history of Turkey, Iraq, Kurds, ISIS, Syria, Afghanistan and Russia leaves us with a lot of questions. As to the value and purpose of the U.S. military in the region, especially when it comes to determining who our Allies are, it is time our Allies (members of NATO) come out of their shells and join us in putting a stop to the killing of innocent children and peace-loving citizens who love their countries.

If our Allies refuse to support us with manpower and monetary support, then it is time we go to the U.N. for support from her members. If we cannot get fair educated support, then it is time we withhold our financial support to the U.N. If that does not work, we need to do whatever it takes to remove the U.N. from U.S. soil.

Hopefully, these actions will get the world’s attention and understand that we mean what we say.


Coeur d’Alene